Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Have you ever...

had a friend who called you and only talked about themselves?...
like every word was about how her world was and what she wanted...
and every time you tried to get a word in, she would cut you off?...
someone that when the phone rang, you knew what was coming...
and that if you laid the phone down for ten minutes and walked away...
she would never know...
because she is still talking about her, her, her...
and if she ever asks for your advice...
she answers for you???????
and then just as soon and as fast as it all began...
and click, it's over...
and you sit there with the phone  and you talk to it...
"Gee, glad I could help!"...
and then you hang it up?...
that's the kind of friend who never actually thinks I might want to say something...
and you all know how annoying it is...
like to the point of changing your phone number annoying...

a prayer is kind of like that one sided conversation...
how many of us just blurt out our wants and gimmes...
just as fast as our little old mouths will move?...
and thank Him for all His blessings...
and never come up for air...
and just as fast as we get started, we're DONE...
AMEN and on to something more important...
maybe we should spend as much time listening...
as we do talking...
I know I can't hear HIM if my mouth is running...
that we take time to spend with Him...
really spend quality time with HIM...
like invite Him to tea and relax with Him...
and just say...
"Lord, you know what is needed...
but instead of me listing it all off...
could we just spend some time together this morning?...
I just want to really FEEL your LOVE and PEACE today?...
I just really need to hang out with you for a little while..."
and then...

this is one of the greatest sermons that I have ever heard...
and I heard it when I was very young...
and had to do everything as fast as I could...
because I was so busy...
and the image I got in my head of God rolling his eyes every time I bowed my head to pray really stuck with me...
I do so much better when I take as much time to listen as I do talking...
and when you are asking Him for help or answers...
doesn't it make sense to LISTEN?...
and there is such a PEACE just hanging out in HIS presence...
Have a good morning!
Hugs- Tete

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  1. Hi Tete-What a wonderful sermon, and oh so true. Thank you for such inspirational words that I know I will remember forever!
    Been visiting with my daughter and grandchildren a lot, so haven't been around, but miss you!

  2. That was really a sweet post. Have a great day.

  3. What a wonderful post...and the sad thing is that I have friends like that-those that have no time to listen to ME OR to God! Hugs- Diana

  4. Tete, You have a lot of wisdom. As we have started the new year, a lot of people make a plan to read through the bible in a year. I found out that if you read just 10 pages per day, you can read through the New Testament every month! Isn't that incredible? I am trying it but of course I'm behind already.
    Hugs, Beth

  5. I have a few friends just like that. I know I'm the best friend that they have, Why? BECAUSE I listen! Every word they say. Over and over, even if I have heard it all before and have given them my best advice. I don't ask them to listen to me, I only share with one, and he has given me all the strenght I need. And he has given me something extra. The patience to listen to others. I'm a great listener! But I guess there are a few of us out there! Hear what I'm saying?

  6. This was one amazing post. I know people like that and I know I am one of them when it comes to prayer sometime. Thanks for the reminder to not be so selfish. This was beautifully written. Anne


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!