Tuesday, January 25, 2011


not much going on today...
I took these yesterday just hanging around waiting for the appliance guys...
the only thing outside now is more snow...
I'm sure you have seen enough to of that already...
so here's Robbie!
his hair is growing out...
and I got some clips so he could see...
but he pulls them out...
so he's just going to have to get around by smell...
we have had many talks about this, but it's not doing any good...
he acts like he's listening and I think he understands...
and then he goes and does his own thing anyway...
just like my kids...
doing some laundry today and the animals are a little freaked out...
new sounds...
they will get used to it...
but for today, it's watch that monster closely...
and make sure it doesn't move...
they really notice every little thing that comes into the house...
they check out all the bags and boxes...
and when a box comes, they want it opened right now...
well, need to get lunch and few other things done...
haven't done my PT yet...
gotta keep up with that...
hope you have a good day and get your WW post ready...
did mine yesterday...
see you back on here later...


  1. Little Robbie just couldn't get any cuter! They are like kids, aren't they? Our Emily hates to have her coat put on! (yes, I am of those people who makes their dog wear a coat when she goes for a walk!) We go thru the same exact routine every day: she hunkers down when she sees me get the coat out of the closet, then runs and tries to get away as fast as she can! All the while shaking like a leaf! Well, it gives me something to laugh about:) Keep warm!

  2. Robbie is so cute. Glad you're having a peaceful day.

  3. Maybe you could braid Robby's hair? just a thought....

    It's a quiet day around here too...but I have to get a ton done because I have to work for the rest of the week...and I have the little girls coming on Saturday to make Valentines....can't WAIT for that mess~ Hugs- Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!