Sunday, January 30, 2011

Holy mackerel, Batman...

they just changed the forecast...
10-20 inches of snow...
I don't even Calgon can get me away from that...
decisions, decisions...
hibernate or evacuate?


  1. Oh no...not another hit from Old Man Winter..I bet it will come our way!! Tuesday & Wednesday we are expecting fowl weather..where in pray heck are we going to put it????
    My best guest is YES, EVACUATE!!!

  2. Hope it is not as bad as they are predicting. Definitely stay safe and warm.

  3. Bless your heart! I would dig in and hibernate.
    Get you a good book about summer, a cup of hot chocolate and don't even Look outside!!

  4. Hang in there. Spring is coming. I'd hibernate until then. LOL

  5. we had 12 the last one! I would take 20 over ice!

    looks like you will be stuck for awhile. Reminds me of 76-77 and 77-78. my senior yr we missed the entire month of Jan!

  6. I'd say hibernate. If you evacuate you might get caught up in the snowstorm and get lost and have to go to the bathroom in a snowy field and you know what a mess that always is!;>) Your snowbound friend- Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!