Thursday, January 20, 2011

I challange you...

to post 10 photos today of ordinary things...
from a different angle...
change the perspective...
and watch the ordinary...
become powerful...
and more confident...
and while you're at it...
look at today that way...
and then report back on what you saw...
because what we get out of life is how we look at it...
head on sometimes becomes ho-hum...
look sideways...
from above...
really look closer...
and then all the little blessings are larger...
more intense...
and not so fleeting...
and it's a great way to spend indoor time...


  1. Nice pictures. You are becoming a professional. I like the one with the egg and pink glass.

  2. OK Tete I took the challenge so go over and see!

  3. A different and interesting post. Seems you did very well on your perspective.

  4. A good idea, Tete! I took lots of photos today but they were of my Valentine's Day tablescape -it's really beautiful! Very RED and WHITE. I do also need to get out and take some outside photos, but today it's very, very cold. Supposed to get to -7 tonight with wind chills of -20 to -30. I caught the little feral cat (Tortie) and put her in the big dog kennel in the basement. She's not thrilled, but it's warmer than her straw filled house. I just can't wait until spring!
    Hugs and blessings, Beth

  5. COol, Like how you did to those photos.
    STay Warm!

  6. Nice idea...great way to spend this snow day!!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!