Monday, January 17, 2011

I took a walk today...

it got up to 37 today...
so I grabbed my robe...
my heavy robe...
and my camera and went outside...
I took photos as I went...
I walked around the front of the house...
and then down the walk...
to see the cone flowers...
and the mail box...
some of the snow had already started melting...
cone flowers...
new growth last fall still hold a couple berries...
there is color in winter besides grays and whites...
a branch growing twisted...
I took my walk today...
without my chair...
under my own power...
only taking DH's arm to get over the snow so I didn't slip or fall...
and it was a good thing...
thank you Lord...
it's the first time I have been off of the porch since November...


  1. I'm so glad you were able to get out and about today, Tete! Yeah! You are having a heat wave compared to us. I don't think it made it past the mid 20's here. And they are calling for freezing rain and more snow tomorrow, yuck! Take care:)

  2. Tete,
    That was good news that you got out and walk in the cold airy day, BRRR.. It is in the teens here in NY. It was down to one degree last nigh.
    Praying for warmer days ahead. It will be in the mid 20's tomorrow and back to the lower teens.
    Stay warm and I am happy for you.

  3. yipee! a walk on your own...I hope it felt great! By spring you will have even more spring in your step!!!

  4. I'm so happy for you, Tete! A mutual friend, Julie from over at Life is What You Make of It, told me about your blog ~ I am so glad that she mentioned you to me. I also have fibromyalgia. I understand what a victory it was for you today to take that w.a.l.k. outside today, leaving your wheelchair behind and holding to your hubby only so you didn't slip in the snow! Congratulations and gentle hugs!

  5. Awww..Tete...You got OFF the porch~ That is a good thing...a great accomplishment! You can do this! I am happy that you are able to do this...just for today...tomorrow can take care of itself. Hugs- Diana

  6. I'm a new follower of your blog. God Bless You!! I'm also 48 and love gardening, but I'm best at growing weeds. I look forward to being inspired by you and your beautiful and heartfelt blog.

    Happy 2011,

  7. We all need a good walk if not everyday, at least once if we are up to it. Its so healthy to breath fresh air although cover yourself good from the cold air. Happy you are feeling a bit energetic for a walkabout..take care Tete.

  8. Tete, I am so happy you took a walk today with DH. How wonderful. What a beautiful walk as well. Love that copper snow globe. Happy for you :)
    Hugs, Amy


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!