Sunday, January 23, 2011

I'm a widow...

a football widow...
it's that time...
when grown men throw a football around...
while my men sit and watch it all happen...
this is Bear country...
I'm not allowed to talk to them until it's over...
I have to sit here and be quiet...
which, if you know me, that's hard to do...
and they will cheer and boo the afternoon away...
sometimes quite loudly...
the whole weekend month has been planned around this game...
the Bears are playing the Packers...
usually I'm not allowed to say the P word...
but they are distracted right now...
the Ps scored first...
that wasn't good...
who are you rootin' for?...
Chicago or Green  Bay?
I'm taking a nap...
like my best friend, Rebecca...
see, we have this plan...
if the yelling doesn't wake us up...
we'll miss the whole thing!
yeah, we thought that up all by ourselves...
feel free to join us if you can't stand the hollering...


  1. GO BEARRRRSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Love the photos you posted. Really cute post. We're not football fans but understand those who are.

  3. Dear Tete,
    My hubby is in his reclining chair after having a plate full of taco's and is so happy the Bear's just scored! Yippeee we are on the scoreboard!
    We can do this..
    Love you new banner and this lovely lady in black!
    Let's win!!!!

  4. Rats!..oh well, always next year!

  5. Great pics Tete, sorry about the Bears! I am NOT a football widow, I LOVE football! In fact, hubby just went to bed and I'm watching the Jets and Steelers game by myself, lol! Have a wonderful week, xxoo Nan


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!