Monday, January 31, 2011

It's here...

we got up to sunny skies...
and this is how much snow we had left after yesterday's melting...
I thought we should get some "before" shots this morning... 
so we can compare later after all this ycuk goes through...
and then it began...
we are getting freezing rain right now...
our radar is all pink...
but it is moving pretty fast...
and it's heading north east...
up towards my buddies in Michigan...
just beginning to freeze on the siding...
and icing up on the surfaces...
so you will be seeing more photos like this...
and this...
these are taken with the flash on but I have it filtered...
I just used 4 layers of white cardstock folded and taped over my flash...
see the dew on the roses?...
and it's still low light enough for uplight to be seen...
and my little yellow crock bowl...
with snack food...
not mine...
Bebe's and Robbie's...
and it looks like I need to refill today...
there is a good chance that we could lose power...
so if you don't hear from me or Rebecca...
we are ok...
we are ready...
she has a wood stove...
and we have a gas cooking stove without electronic ignition...
I can turn the oven on 350 and boil one pan of water on top of the stove and keep it 70 in here with no problem...
we can cook and heat with it...
we have city water and stocked up on food...
we are good to go, have enough to get through Friday for sure...
DH only has to drive 8 miles to get home and if they see it's getting bad...
they will send him home early...
you all be safe out there...
maybe it won't be as bad as they were calling for in the beginning...
stay warm and upright...


  1. Thanks for sending all of that precipitation my way, Tete! They are calling for 16" or more of snow here, yikes! Hope you don't lose power. I just stocked up at the grocery store, so we won't go hungry. I don't want to lose power either!!! Keep warm:) Great idea about the flash, btw.

  2. wish i could snuggle in and not go to work tommorrow. Hope the electric stays on for all of us! I see the icing dripping from the lines now!

  3. Oh yuck! I hope our precip. all comes in the form of snow. It's been a fine snow all day, and supposed to get heavier as the night goes on.
    Your picks with the muted flash look very vintage, Tete.
    Stay warm down there!

  4. I can't believe the difference that makes taping cardstock over your flash...Whodathought? Well, obviously...YOU did!

    Take care, Tete- I sure hope you don't lose power...but if you do you know that we'll keep the light on for ya. Hugs- Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!