Monday, January 3, 2011

Looking back...August 2010...

I always loved it when my mom would move this one to the front and center position...
I knew it meant my birthday was coming...
college boy with study buddies...
began working on Halloween...
roses at sunrise...
it was also the drought month...
after all the rain we had in the spring and through June...
it dried up quick and brought an early fall...
a locust just out of his shell...
Daphne nappin'...
morning glories...
changing it up...
see the little moth...
a snail's view...
my new cushions for my birthday...
at it's best and we still had Georgie...
that's all she does...
morning glories up close...
harvest came early...
my guys on my birthday...
gearing up for all the corn and beans...
from the garden...
and a rescue...
his mommy got hit by a car...
2 babies were rescued and turn back out in the fall....
we rescued one when I was in junior high and it was so fun to play with a little one again...
our neighbor had them and we would visit them every day when we went for our walks...
see those claws?
never, ever mess with one after they have their teeth...
they can and will tear you up...
I still have scars from ours...
and she loved me...
it's all good and cool until they get mad...
and they do get mad...
I used to hide treats of fruit and veggies in her cereal bowl...
it she didn't like it...
she would hit you in the back of the head with it when you turned around...
she didn't like celery...
(baby oatmeal cereal is hard to get out of your hair...)
and we got her when her eyes were still closed...
a full grown coon can kill a large dog...
we had turned ours loose twice and she found her way back and then wouldn't let us out the back door...
so my dad and uncle trapped her and dad found a great spot to let her go...
there were no houses for miles, a river that never went dry, corn fields and apple trees...
we watched her run right down to the water and she washed her hands and started playing with the rocks...
she looked back at me twice and then disappeared down the bank...
chattering all the way...
she approved...


  1. Tete, came by to grab a Debbie button (glad I did~ a beautiful blog you have!).
    Bless you for making this for sweet Debbie~ praying for her daily!

  2. Hubby said his uncle had a couple of raccoons when he was a kid too. They didn't make good pets, he said. You always have such lovely photos and I sure enjoyed seeing them today. Take care.

  3. I remember a kid in the neighborhood having a raccoon. It would try to climb up my legs, and I would just stand there and scream! They're very cute, but I wouldn't trust one for a second. Loved looking at 2010 through your beautiful pictures!
    Happy Monday!

  4. Love your memory pictures. The flowers are beautiful and I love the one of the cat on the table. As for your racoon--how sweet is that? Would you believe one of my friends let her daughter have a baby racoon and kept it in the house. He was full grown and she was like Ellie May Clampett carrying it everywhere. They let it out from time to time and it was killed. I never thought that was a good idea to begin with. As my story today shows--wild animals need to be in the wild. I bet it was so hard to leave that little thing though :(

  5. What fun to go through your pictures here today. I love the one of your boys..I can tell how much you love the big lugs...and I love the picture of Georgie-although it makes me just a might sad...and my cousins had a raccoon when they were kids and Uncle Paddy set it loose far away from the farm stead because it got mean.

    Nice post, Tete- Hugs-Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!