Wednesday, January 12, 2011

NanaDiana left me this message on Debbie's surgery...

News on Debbie is tentatively good. She appears to have come through fine although the operation was a bit more extensive than they thought going in. Continue to pray that the lymph nodes they took are clear.
thank you so much for the update!
we need to continue praying for clear nodes!
and for anyone who hasn't had a hysterectomy...
the one where they cut you from hip to hip...
it is the worst pain ever right after surgery...
those first 6-8 hours are not fun at all...
I had mine when I was 29...
back when I was tough...
and it was hard...
the morphine in the IV only lasted a minute...
so I watched the clock until I could hit it again...
I could use it every 10 minutes...
clear fluids until you get your bowel sounds back...
which takes about 3 days...
I had a catheter, drain bag, IV and BP cuffs on my legs...
had mine done on Friday and came home on Monday...
I got up the 2nd day and started walking...
DH was with me every step of the way and the more I walked the less it hurt...
I would not want to do it again...
it's going to be months before she feels normal...
it took me 6 months before I was back at normal...
and I was 29...
so, keep her in your prayers...


  1. Thanks for sharing that Tete...
    been waiting for news

  2. Tete thanks for sharing the update. I have been concerned about her. Sounds like a tough road ahead but with prayers and God's strength she will make it.

  3. Thanks for the update. I had a c-section and thought it was tough. Can't imagine actually having things removed also. Keeping her in my prayers.

  4. Thanks for visiting today Tete. and I too had caught Laurie's post right after she updated on Debbie. Had been praying.....!! Loved your post about your family and your dad in the Air Force. you were in a military family! You know what it is like! Hugs to you. :-)


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!