Monday, January 31, 2011

the problem may be with blogger...

any of my latest photos that begin...
all are showing this scene when you try to enlarge it...
all my pictures when enlarged here on the blog either begin with a 1, 2 or 3...
the ones that begin with 1 & 2 so far are normal and they enlarge...
I filed a report with Microsoft and got an email back from them that they are going to check my blog and it could take up to 2 business days for them to either fix the problem or not...
I have found other information online and in discussions on blogger that other people have had the same problem...
one image that does it everytime for me is the valentine that I posted this weekend...
the post begins...
vintage valenting
the picture
and then I typed in "for you"
its the 3rd or 4th post back...
if anyone has time...
could you check it for me?...
I am running Mircosoft security on my pc...
that might make a difference and why no one else is seeing it...
it may not be flagged as spyware by other anti virus programs...
this is so making me crazy here...
I am so sorry for any problems it is causing anyone...
and if you just tuned in...
read the post below this one and it will explain it more...


  1. Hope things get worked out soon.

  2. Tete I checked and it does not pop up unless you double click on the pic. So someone just looking at your blog would not see it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nothing popped up when I double clicked on your Vintage Valentine picture. It just enlarged to fill the screen. Does that help? Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!