Saturday, January 8, 2011


no, not here...
it's snow!
only flurries, they say...
they kind of messed that one up...
little or no accumulation...
and it's dry and blowing...
and it's still coming down at almost 3am...
enough to get a little face and toes wet...
ok, I know he's a boy...
but he can't see...
so he's going to wearing a top knot until his hair grows out a bit more and over the top...
and we are changing his name...
this is Robbie...
"Moses" no longer lives here...
it's like witness protection for animals...
the last owner called me the 1st of December wanting him back...
but there is no way he could take him...
nursing home...
but he drinks and possibly other things...
so we talked and I told him he needed an older dog...
wheel chair confined...
this one is still a pup and too hyper...
and he needed one that was more on his terms...
and if he got out of the nursing home and into an apt that would allow pets...
we would find him a good companion...
he was ok with that...
but his ex wife is not...
she wants him to breed...
it's all about the money...
so she calls about every 6 weeks now...
wanting him back...
she lives in an apt that doesn't allow pets...
but she lost my number and called the friend who gave him to me...
yesterday she threatened to sue me for visitation rights...
my friend was upset and wouldn't give her my number...
and when she calls, she's drunk...
I told my friend to hang up on her...
they didn't take care of him when they had him...
he was flea invested and was so anemic that his gums were white...
they are pink again and it took 2 days to get rid of the fleas...
they never once took him to the vet...
he goes in the last of the month to be fixed and all the other fun stuff...
I didn't want him going through surgery anemic...
he's a little guy and there could have been complications and even death...
and he is so happy here...
Bebe and Robbie are bestest friends...
and they don't understand the minds of crazy humans who can't get their act together...
and they shouldn't have to...
so Robbie's vet records and all that from now on will be Robbie's...
Craig picked out the name...
in all our adoptions to and from we have never had to deal with anything like this lady...
I hope she loses my friend's number in the next 6 weeks...
no animal deserves what he's been through...

more snow photos when the sun comes up!


  1. I hope she loses the number, too, Tete! How awful. Nothing worse than a drunk to try and reason with. They think only of themselves and how things can benefit them. Love Robby-think the name fits him.

    It is snowing here too and was 10ยบ when I pulled into the parking lot this morning. Hope it warms up there and quits snowing AND I hope you got some sleep. Hugs- Diana

  2. What a little cutie and having to go through so much. So sad. I'm glad he's found a wonderful new home.

  3. Robbie is where he should be....home with you! He looks so happy!

    Sorry you have to deal with people that have their lives in such a mess and their pets suffer. Thank goodness you too him into your hearts!

  4. Oh my gosh, people like that do NOT deserve to have any animal companions! Especially when their mentality is that they are just around for making money! Look at that cute little guy now, so healthy and a happy loving home! Oh, I think I will have a "Glitter Fest" over at my blog next week! I don't want to let all of my "fans" down by my lack of glitter postings:)! Have a great wekend!

  5. Unbelievable! Don't worry about her. She doesn't have a leg to stand on and probably, if she's drinking, won't remember anything anyway.

    What a sweetheart. Please let him stay with you.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!