Tuesday, January 4, 2011

sorting old photos...

I have been scanning some old photos to get into files so I can order copies for my kids and some cousins...
so these are the ones I found of me...
so far...
these were taken in Ohio...
that's me sitting on the bread...
in my grandma's kitchen before they redid it...
I had a thing about sitting on bread...
this was Christmas and I was 16 months old...
notice the stragegically placed furniture so I couldn't get to the TV and fireplace...
that's granny in the background...
my dad and me and all my animals...
see my hickory dickory clock?
I got my first tricycle that year...
I fell alseep on my dad...
I spent a lot of time on his lap in that old recliner...
Ok- it's not that I am not happy...
I am now officially blind...
it happened every Christmas morning...
dad used a huge flood light to take movies...
I totally couldn't see anyone...
I would look to where the voices came from...
Santa and me in Ashland, Ohio on the corner of where the Grant Department Store was...
me and my brother...I was 4...
my mom could never cut my bangs straight...
my 5th birthday...
and then mom cut my hair and I started kindergarten...
this is my first day of school ever with my pink rug that I would take my naps on...
see my ugly shoes?
I hated going to the shoe store in the fall to get my school shoes...
I wore a AA width...
with extremely high arches...
they usually only had one pair in my size...
but every now and then they would have two to pick from..
ugly and uglier...
see the bottles on the tv...
they were old decanters that my mom had given to her...
we filled them with water and green food coloring!
my 7th birthday...
Mifflin Lake, Ohio...
my mom made my outfit...
it was August 17th, 1969...
and this was my birthday present!
I even have on my pop beads!
10 minutes after this photo...
I was covered in methyolate...
yeah,  I crashed...
didn't scratch my bike at all...
but I did a number on my knees, ankles, elbows and the all of the in between hide I had...
it was the coolest bike ever and I was so tough on it!
it had a banana seat with purple flowers!
I rode that bike for 8 years...
I would dig it out in the spring...
wash it and chrome cleaner to clean the shiny parts...
air the tires and I wouldn't get off of it until late fall...
we had to put our bikes up in the winter...
which I thought was so unfair...
there will be more later...
but not of me...


  1. LOL I had to giggle about the crooked bangs :) My mother cut my bangs too...too short and mostly crooked. I love old pictures, thanks for showing :)

  2. Oh- I love those pictures Tete...You were SUCH a cute little girl...and it looks like you were dearly loved. Hmmm...sitting on bread? Perhaps you were trying to pad your butt at an early age...before you realized that you could do it by putting the bread down the throat? lol I discovered that trick early on- GREAT pictures- Hugs- Diana

  3. Loved looking through your photo album. I always love it when someone says do you want to see pictures.

  4. Girl, I LOVE all these pics! Did I know you were from Ashland? We played Ashland in Football and Basketball.
    LOL, yep, I see your mom took haircutting lessons from the same person my mom did!
    I had one of those Hickory Dickory clocks too! TFS, xxoo Nan


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!