Monday, January 10, 2011

Tomorrow is the big day...

Debbie is having her surgery...
to rid her of cancer...
but I have been praying that there will be no cancer...
that the doctors will find nothing when they go in...
being around preachers and being there many times when they have prayed for healing by laying hands and annointing in oil...
I have heard their prayers on behalf of others...
that what Christ did on earth...
He gave that power to us...
plus much, much more...
because He told the diciples that what you do will be greater...
Christ had His FATHER backing Him...
but we have the FATHER AND THE SON...
and the only thing that stands in the way of any prayer being answered is our doubt...
for if we only have the faith of a mustard seed, we can move mountains...
so begins the prayer...
Lord Jesus, I cast out my doubt in the name of the FATHER AND THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT...
I cast out the cancer and all diseases in her body...
Father, restore her body, mind and soul...
give her YOUR peace and keep your arms around her and her family as they walk through this day...
restore her faith and the joy of her salvation and remove her fears...
calm her storm and steady the winds that blow around her...
for all in Heaven and Earth must do as you bid...
and all you have to do is say it is so, and it is so...
In Jesus' sweet name, AMEN...

and that's how my daddy would have prayed for her if he still could...
and I have seen miracles from laying on of hands...
from praying to the Father for help...

Keep praying, the more who reach out to the throne...
the more who will touch it and GOD'S heart...
He loves us...
we belong to Him...
He has it in His hands...
and those hands can heal...


  1. Tete,
    What a good friend you are posting this!!!
    She is such a sweet lady even if I have not met her in person.
    I pray she will have a good outcome of tomorrow's surgery and she will remain strong!!!
    My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family tomorrow.
    Suzann xoxoxo

  2. I will be praying for her as I lay myself down to sleep tonight.

  3. Hi Tete, I haven't stopped thinking of Debbie today, So glad Your Daddy & Jesus taught You Well.... this is what I keep reading: Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in Heaven. For Where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. Matthew 18: 19 & 20.... Lord, we lift Debbie up in Prayer & leave Her in Your Amazing Hands, Please Comfort Her & Make her Whole again.
    In Jesus Name ~ Amen


  4. I prayed along with you this morning for Debbie.

  5. Tete- Thank you for being such a good messenger. I think there are lots of Bloggers praying for her this morning...maybe even those that don't often pray.

    Sometimes, the healing comes in ways we don't surgery and follow up...but however it comes we will take it.

    Love you for your sweet,kind soul Tete! Hugs- Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!