Sunday, January 2, 2011

Where time stands still...

in a garden in winter...
most of the time...
someone forgot to tell these dianthus to go to sleep...
the rest knew what to do...
seed pods waiting for warmer weather to drop...
they feed the birds in winter...
and they look cool...
down to 15 last night and up to 22 now...
frost is still on the windshields...
the guys made chili for them and I have potato soup...
a train in coming through and the football game is on...
I haven't been on much the last few days and the trees are still up...
I think Craig and I can get them down and all the stuff put away while DH is at work this  week...
it's nice when DH gets a 3 day weekend, but I get my days mixed up when he does...
thinking we have 2 Sundays...
the cake is really good...
Mr Wiggles sat on the lid last night and now the middle is stuck to the top of the lid...
but we will just scoop it off and throw it back on...
good thing we put the lid on it...
they guys have really pitched in and got some cleaning and laundry done this weekend...
they have also been busy taking care of me...
I wasn't going to post this...
but I have not been able to sit up very much the last 3 days...
I had 3 boils come up all at one time...
2 on one thigh and one on the other...
I have been walking like JOHN WAYNE...
2 have opened and waiting for the other...
they have been helping me with showers and bandages...
sometimes 3 a day...
the doctors say I am prone to them, but have no idea why...
I have to watch for streaks...
some have gone into blood poisoning before...
but it's been 13 months since I had to go the ER for them...
so that's better...
I found a wonderful home remedy online...
it kills bacteria and it draws as well as killing anything on the surface...
it gets under the skin and kills bacteria...
it works better than the antibiotics they usually give me...
and it only takes 3 days...
we use it for all ouchies now...
and it heals it right up...
we have also been taking it as soon as we start a sore throat...
and I used it this fall for my allergies...
my friend found some that was gathered locally and brought it to me...
it worked for that, too...
well, I have been sitting long enough...
back to bed until this one pops...
I do know one thing...
I'm too short to make a good cowboy...


  1. How perfectly lovely...your narrative is wonderful.

  2. Feel Better ~ Love the idea on the Honey, another one of God's Miracles! xox

  3. Glad they are taking good care of you! Please don't let it get you down!

  4. How wonderful to have the "men folk" to take care of you. I had an Uncle that had a lot of boils too. They used to call his carbuncles (sp?)..I know they were painful until they broke and even then they were sore and he felt miserable. I can remember my grandmother making some kind of poltice for him...and I believe it was the old bread&milk one. I know that honey is supposed to be the only "perfect" that never spoils or goes "off" tasting. Amazing what comes of a bee! Here's hoping your week improves! Hugs-Diana

  5. Hi Tete-you sit tall in the saddle in my book! I'm sorry you are going through this, as it sounds so uncomfortable. But food for thought-maybe that why John Wayne walked like that and talked out of the side of his mouth!
    can't wait for spring....

  6. Aw sweetie. I hope you feel better soon. Honey is a gift from God to help us and I'm glad it works for you. Just try to pace yourself and not try to do too much til your better. Your guys are there for you and that is so precious. Take care.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!