Tuesday, January 4, 2011

White Wednesday...

Debbie, the sweetest blogger you will ever meet...
has been handed some bad news...
uterine cancer...
I would like to dedicate my WW post to her...
and ask that you grab the button above and post it on your website...
and remember her in prayer every day until her battle is won...
she is scheduled for surgery on the 11th...
Laurie at Heaven's Walk is keeping us posted...
since being on the computer makes Debbie dizzy now...
if you click here...
you will find Laurie's post on Debbie and an address to send cards and cheery thoughts her way...
Please help her by joining in the fight...
Happy WW!


  1. You can count me in!

  2. Thanks so much, Tete! I think it's just awesome that so many people here in blogland are praying for Debbie!

  3. Will definitely send up prayers for Debbie! Blessings~~~ Daphne

  4. She is in my prayers for a successful surgery. Her family too. I know how scary a diagnosis of cancer is to everyone of them.

  5. She is already smiling on my sidebar! And I plan on sending her a card this week. It is a privilege to pray for her. I found out through sister Laurie's blog also. My mom fought a long and hard battle with cancer. How sweet of you to do this post. I'm with you! xo

  6. It's great of you to spread the word, Tete! You always send such good energy around blogland with your visits. Thanks a bunch.

  7. All the positive energy and Prayers are coming Debbie's way for the Lord's Healing Touch and strength during this battle! I've added the button to my Post today.

    Bless you for sharing and initiating a Prayer chain in the Blogland community of caring Souls.

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  8. The Power of prayer...
    Sending lots of "light and love"...
    Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  9. Debbie will be in my prayers! Please keep us updated!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!