Saturday, February 5, 2011

I have some bad news...

I just wanted all of your to know that I have reached a decision about my 2nd Hands Collection Blog Party...
I have found out this weekend that Mr Linky is now charginga fee to have a linky on your blog...
it would be worth it if...
1. I did a party that happened every week, not just one day a month...
2. I had more of a following that did the far the highest number has been 10...

so after a lot of thought, and prayer...
I am ending the blog party...
I want to thank everyone who took the time to party with me and to everyone who visited and left comments on the great collections that have been posted...

I do want to do a blog party...
and I have been thinking on this long and hard...
I want one that is spiritual, uplifting, supportive, and positive...
and I am not sure when it will happen...
but it will...

thank you so much for supporting me and the blog party...
Hugs to you- Tete


  1. I am so sorry sweetie, I had not realized you had a linky party on your blog :O( Maybe if you can get the idea out there more you could start up again or find another way of doing your party!! Sending you many hugs!!!

  2. See, I never realized you had a linky party either. That is horrible that they are now charging people. Once it got popular, now they want money! I like the idea of the spiritual, uplifting party though.

  3. Gee, why is the world getting so greedy! Maybe we should just party by friend to friend invite...

    Dont let it get you down, we will always party with you!


  4. I didn't know there was a charge for Mr. Linky either. I'm fairly new to blogging and just trying to find my way around. I enjoy your blog with or without a party.

    I like the idea of a spiritual, positive party.Just pray about it and if it is meant to be it will happen.

  5. Oh Tete I am so sorry that they are charging? This is all new to me. I did enjoy participating in the party.

  6. So sorry to hear about your fun party has to be cancelled. Anyway I enjoyed it even though I just participated once. But I do enjoy looking at your photos of vintage cards! Thank you Tete.

  7. I am sorry that you had to cancel, Tete. I decided that I wasn't going to do any linky parties cuz I was afraid that with working and everything I would get overwhelmed.

    Maybe God has something else in mind for you. Hugs- Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!