Thursday, February 3, 2011

More images...

more valentine images...
I think these were done by the same lady who did the Campbell soup kids...
aren't they cute?...
take what you want...

it's supposed to get below 0 tonight and then start warming up through Sunday...
there's more snow coming Sunday and Monday...

my son, Doug, and his friends, Keith and Dustin, were here after 4 and stayed a little bit...
hadn't seen Dustin in awhile, they all are the same age and went to school together...
we had to catch up, so the hands were flying...
it's hard to keep up with 3 deaf kids, each one sitting in different areas of the living room...
well, they are kids to me...
Dustin will be 31, Doug and Keith will be 30 this year...
I can't believe it!...
they were all going to Dustin's, ordering pizza and doing a movie night...
Ki was home sick with a cold, so he isn't having much fun on his snow days...
and he didn't get to come see me...
I miss him so much...
I will be glad when this weather breaks and even happier when school is out so he can come spend the day with me...
Rebecca called and she is staying at her parents' house...
her hubby said the electric company that they have said it could be Monday before they get power back on...
she has pics on her camera but doesn't know how to download them on her mom's pc...
so she can't blog until after her mom gets home tomorrow...
but she is ok!
have a safe and warm night...


  1. I can see why you might think the same person created these as the Campbell Soups. They are great. I love them. I was not aware you had people in your family that used sign language. My little great grandson has learned a lot from his school. They do all their bible verses in sign language. It think it is a great thing to know.

  2. I can't imagine trying to keep up with 3 deaf kids...My little grandson, who is not hearing impaired, is learning sign language along with his Mom. We bought him the Einstein for kids sign language and it surprising how fast he has picked up so many signs. Love it.

    Glad your friend, Rebecca, is home with her and sound for the night. And...yes...that does look like the same lady that created the Campbells soup kids...and they remind me of Orphan Annie too.

    Still at work - getting ready to close out soon and go home! Yeahhhh.... Hugs-Diana

  3. glad u had a nice visit. poor Rebecca! I think she and Eric better get a generator. fyi the story I posted about my ancestor is also Eric's....

  4. Thank you for these adorable images...they certainly look like they could at least be cousins to the Campbells.
    I am glad your friend is safe.
    It was only 3 degrees at 1130 am here today. It has been a few years since it was this cold here.
    Have A Sugar Sweet Day Tete
    Simply Debbie

  5. Dear Tete,
    How did I miss this post? I don't want to sound like I know anything, but the artist of these darling images are the works of Chloe Preston. Her children look a lot like the Capmbell soup kids but that artist is Grace Drayton. I do study the artist of Valentines along with collecting them. Chloe Preston was born in Bishopthorpe, Yorkshire, England. She was recognized worls wide.I have a collection of hers and have posted last year. Hope you dont mind me telling you. Arent they darling?


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!