Wednesday, February 2, 2011

You have created a monster...

a photo bug has been born...
and his name is Craig...
all of your wonderful comments on his photography has his chest fluffed up bigger than a momma robin on a spring day...
he now calls himself "AWESOME"...
and he has been listening about light and shadow...
and he is getting the best shots...
he HAD to get the glistening shots...
he was in such a frenzy...
because he knows the moment passes and is gone forever...
and the best time to get the best photos is when God is smiling down on us...
and he has learned to get down and find weird angles...
now just check this out...
the sun has the lines glowing...
and he knew to find the shot with the darker clouds in the background to make the lines pop...
he's almost as good as his momma....
and he is listening and wants to learn and do better each time...
he took 176 photos today...
so there will be more coming...
I won't make you look at every single one...
but there are some more awesome ones I want to share...
it's just so beautiful...
and just a sneak peek...
this is going to be my Pink Saturday post in more detail...
I got my giveaway from Lori Lynn today...
isn't it awesome?
look at all the goodies she packed in my box!
each one was wrapped individually and it was so much fun to open each and everyone...
and the smell. oh the smell, is so wonderful!
if I never win another thing in my entire life, that will be fine with me...
because this is the best surprise box EVER!
if I were to go shopping, this is what I would buy!
this is so me!
thank you, Lori Lynn!

ok, the "MONSTER" has supper ready, so I had better go now...
more later!



    I'm a Cali Girl and honest to heaven I just can't stand this weather. BAH!



  2. the photos remind me one on my sidebar of my Grandmother in a ice storm in Ashmore....100 yrs earlier!
    Craig should be proud!

  3. Hey... looks like my house, except we never got the sun that glistened through all this ice I have.. So... let's see a picture of Craig the awesome photographer! Love your sneak peak pinks! :)

  4. I'm liking your "monster"...and if he is very good and bakes a bit he could be the "cookie monster" too! He has a great eye, doesn't he? Takes after his Mama! Love that boy! I am so tickled that you got such a nice surprise in the mail. How perfect is that! Hugs-Diana

  5. Dear Tete,
    What a nice monster you have..He even cooks? Nice! and his photo's are very nice..Love the sky pics as he has captured the light so right..

  6. Congrats on the giveaway! Every girl could always use some chocolate! And those photos are awesome! I see a gallery tour of Craig's work in the near future........Btw, we purchased our birdbath heater at Lowe's quite a few years ago. Not sure if they still sell them, but it works great,never had any problems with it!

  7. I think Craig did inherit a talent for photography from you. You both take gorgeous photos. Thee giveaway you received looks really beautiful too.

  8. Craig's pics are GORGEOUS! What a great job! And I'm so pleased that you liked your goodie box :-)
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Lori Lynn ♥

  9. Your monster's pics are just great. And do your really care that a monster has been long as he cooks?

  10. 2 words...... Just Beautiful!!!!!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!