Monday, March 21, 2011

74 isn't hard to take at all !!! ♥

blue skies and puffy clouds make a day happy...
look at all of them...
and they just keep coming...
I know for sure that Sherry sent them to me from Phoenix...
and a few looked like they had drunk up all the puddles...
but they just passed on by...
and they took the rain out of today and tonight...
clear tomorrow, too...
and we won't even talk about later in the week...
Boofy is chasing Robbie's leash...
he can't get very far and she is pouncing on him...
she's our best baby sitter...
Doofus and Mr Wiggles play it safe on the table and Bebe is looking to a good place to potty...
Daphne took my seat...
so I went for a walk...
and we ended up here...
so much to clean up yet...
do you see that stinkin' old grill?
it is going...
it's a secret...
I'm buying DH a new one...
a nice one...
he doesn't like gas grills...
he likes charcoal...
but they make nice ones...
but he's cheap...
I'm not...
more to rake...
and I sat in the sun and watch Craig do it...
I was very good and didn't pick up the rake one time...
I got a start on my tan today...
isn't that just the prettiest sky ever?
while we were out here...
we heard a hawk several times...
but I never did see him...
gardening 101...
the kind of hoe you use is important...
and this is the very best kind to have...
if you have never tried one of these...
go for it...
you will never go back to the other kind...
remember the photos earlier today?
and what was buzzing around those crocus?
stupid kitty almost caught her one, too...
I had a black and white tuxedo when I was kid who caught a bumble bee on his first spring day...
I ended up watching a Perry Como special in the kitchen holding an ice cube on his lip all evening...
thought I was going to be doing that again tonight...
but she missed...
these new cheaper than cheap new rakes are the best we have had in a long time...
it is looking more like a flower bed now...
an oops...
now aren't you glad you stayed for the whole show?
I love sunlight through the petals of a flower...
we will get the leaves out of here later...
we did not want to disturb the bees...
it's been a long winter for them and then need the new food...
and the flowers need them to walk around in them, too...
in a month, this will be so full...
I had Craig just put all of these leaves on the garden spot where we plant the corn and green beans to hopefully keep the weeds down until we turn this area over...
I can't believe how many cart fulls come out of the beds every year...
there is still more to do and bigger limbs to haul to the back...
but I think we have the important beds uncovered now so things can come up...
I didn't want Craig doing too much...
so that's where we stopped...
but there's always more...

Craig went to hardware store and got my bolts...
I fixed the wheel chair in the living room floor and then we went for a walk this afternoon...
talked to some neighbors...
back home...

and announcing that it's officially spring...
I plucked this afternoon...
chin hairs and all...
tried the nads on the upper lip...
it got about 2/3 of it...
shaved the rest...
so now I am ready to meet and greet again...

I don't bother in the winter...
and the boob cancer doctors won't let me shave my armpits...
so there's no point in only being half italian until I have to be...

if this weather keeps up...
I may even shave my legs...
now combine that with yesterday's image and you have a winner...

I sure hope all of you are having a pretty day too!
We so deserve it!


  1. It was 82 and no breeze, I hate to complain but I am hot! OH NO You just can't win. Worked more on the porch and went out and looked at the shed and thought...I am not up to this today! only because I had to finish the laundry and vacum and dust :(

    my hosta and lilac bush are out over night!

    I work tommorow but it sounds like to will be nice again. Hope when i am back at 1515 we can sit on the front porch, I just love that. So let me go finish my work, then sit on the front porch and wait for my Mr!

  2. We are not enjoying the spring like we normally do. It is in the 80's, dry and no rain for months. You truly shared a lot of nice things today. Enjoyed my trip around your place.

  3. 74??? Did you say 74???? AND you have green showing? Okay..I am no longer on speaking terms with you. xxoo Diana

  4. Tete, The sky shots and the crocus are beautiful! So happy for the nice weather - ours was too.
    blessings, Beth

  5. Hi Tete! Thanks so much for the tip about reshaping the little basket...I wasn't sure so I appreciate the help. I love the cloud pictures! And your much yard work to do but it's so worth it.

  6. Hi Tete Sweetie...
    I am late getting around tonight. I worked a little late, and by the time I picked up DH at the park and ride, got home for dinner and clean up and baths, well you know, I just arrived.

    Yeahhhhh....The clouds arrived today. I am SO happy. Yep I sent them straight on over to you, and thank you for the beautiful rain that we received today. It started at 11am and was still coming down at 6pm. It was a soft rain, just what we needed in the desert. I am so tickled for the gardens and the grass.

    Now listen, don't toss out that cooker. Put it to good use and make it a planter. You could paint it a bright color, and most of the charcoal ones, already have holes in the bottom for cleaning purposes so it would drain. Plant a little garden in that one. It would be just about your height to work with as well. Might make a beautiful herb garden.

    Love walking through the garden with you today. Loved watching the critters play. Bruiser chases the bees as well. He has been stung 3 times that almost took his life. He swelled up like something out of a cartoon, it scared me to death.

    I hope tomorrow is just as beautiful for you sweet friend. Yes keep working on that tan. You will be ready before Easter comes.

    Many hugs sweetie and SO much love, Sherry

  7. Wow Tete... lots of work done, lots of photos and information (I'm getting an image in my head.. lol)... so let's begin..

    1) HOLD ON!!! DO NOT THROW OUT THAT OLD GRILL!!!! Maybe toss the top, but the bottom, spray it a crazy color, drill some holes in the bottom and plant that baby up.. Can you imagine what ivy and petunia's, etc., would look like coming out of it? I have seen a lot of old grills planted up! You're too creative not to do that!!

    2) Your Calico kitty looks like my Bella - our garden center cat.. she does the same.. investigates bees, bugs, frogs and even snakes!

    3) Your garden looks great. Pretty crocuses!!

    4) Great idea using the leaves. I am holding a "Composting" Seminar this Thursday with a Daisy group (my second time with teaching Daisy groups - a new job description! lol!) I'm going to tell them all the benefits of using leaves in gardens.. Once they decompose it's an excellent leaf compost.

    OK, that's enough from me here in.. OH only 32' degrees and yesterday snowy NJ!! :( OK who stole our spring?

  8. Hey Lady, Lovin the Spring Pics.... I can't believe how green your grass is getting.... & the Crocus are already up, I am in Awe! We hit 61 yesterday, only 40 today & Winter Storm Warnings now, Rain, Sleet, Snow & Ice is expected~ I think my section is in the Ice storm area & expecting about 1/2" well I know that March came in like a Lamb, so we are expecting it to go out like a Lion.... I am at Mandy's today, I think in a few weeks, I will be back to having the internet turned back on, now my landlord is talking about selling my place, but I am Not worrying, just placed it in My God Box & will Let Go & Let God.... well, other Daughter Nikki just brought sandwiches from Subway, so off to eat a Turkey sub, Yum Yum.... I just posted some pics from the Grands this weekend, the Girls had fun making Jewelry with My Buttons Stash ~ Miss Ya, talk again soon....


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!