Wednesday, March 30, 2011


perky, yellow spring flowers...
it amazes me at how much detail God puts in even the littlest of things...
and at how much knowledge is in each bulb...
to produce this wonderful flower...
year after year...
they smell as wonderful as they look...
and I thought I would share what makes me grin today...
especially for those of you still covered in snow...
your world will awaken soon...
all of that snow is going to be a blessing to you when it does...
because snow puts nitrogen back into your gardens...
and you will be so pleased with your flowers this year...
just wait and see...
what's that old saying?
good things come to those who wait...
Have a blessed day and enjoy the spring...


  1. Beautiful photos. Have a great day.

  2. Yellow is a cheerful colour. I'm planting more sunflowers now, and i always keep in mind your advise on how to collect the seeds. I hope this time i'm patient enough to wait until the heads turn brown..

  3. Oh sweetie, they make me warmer just lookin' at 'em.

    I wanted to apologize. I did not realize that the pix on my last post could not be seen. I've reposted with Photobucket so drop by if ya get a chance.

    God bless and have a wonderful day sweetie!!!

  4. Daffodils just shout Spring to me!!

  5. I can hardly wait to see our snow melted and my daffodils blooming! Thanks for sharing yours with me! xxoo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!