Sunday, March 13, 2011

Good Morning!

when I couldn't sleep last night...
I grabbed my new issue of Birds and Blooms...
and I fell in love with this...
gentle walkways through sectioned off beds...
and then I went to bed...
and woke at 4:30am to robins singing again...
and I smiled and stretched and closed my eyes...
and then it was 8:30- old time...
9:30 am with the clocks changed...
and I slept good...
today is totally the opposite of yesterday...
it's cloudy and only 30 out...
and all I have got done this morning is blowing my nose, breakfast and my toe nails cut...
I decided I needed my socks on and snagged a sweater, too...
trying to get some caffeine in me...
it was a good day to sleep in...
usually the animals are all over me to get up...
enjoy this version of Blessed Assurance this morning...
it's by Randy Travis...
and I think...
the prettiest version I have ever heard...
we used to get ready for church every Sunday morning listening to this song...
it was the opening hymn for a local christian show...
it was just something that played in the background during all the hustle and bustle of getting dressed, buckling up my dress shoes and finding my bible...
mom and dad bought me a little white one for Easter one year so I could have one to take to Sunday School...
before that, I used my mom's little zipper one...
but it was so yellowed...
now they are both yellowed from the years...
and stashed away in a keepsake box...
and with the passing of family...
I seem to get the bibles...
because the ones gone on before me weren't famous or rich by any means on earth...
but they were all Christians...
they laid a foundation for the rest of us to follow...

so, Happy Sunday morning to you...
may your day be blessed...


  1. I love Randy Travis and this is a beautiful version of Blessed Assurance. It was a great way to start my Sunday Tete! It has a little Irish flavor to it too--perfect for this week :)
    Glad your day is starting so well. Happy Sunday dear Tete :)
    Hugs, Amy

  2. Those that passed before left a priceless treasure,a good foundation.Glad you have them.

    I have family Bibles that I received that others were not interested in. To me, no one could put a monetary value on them to make me give them up.
    Happy Sunday,

  3. I love our older Bibles and that is so good you are taking care of some. Your little white Bible sounds lovely. I have my KJV Bible from when I was confirmed that is special to me and several others.

  4. Well, I'd say those that passed on before you were some of the richest people on Earth because they were believers. I love this old song, too! Hugs-Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!