Saturday, March 26, 2011

hard to believe...

it's 31 out...
and they are calling for 1-3 inches of S*#@ tonight...
our average is 57 for this time of the year...
but things are coming up in spite of it all...
Craig had won wrestling tickets on the radio...
so last night while him and DH were at the Assembly Hall in Chanpaign...
Doug, Keith and Mallachi came and stayed with me...
Doug got his laundry done and we ordered pizza...

had a very bad day yesterday...
too many trips to the bathroom left me dehydrated...
by 3pm, my BP and blood sugar had dropped really low...
a bottle of water, apple juice and a peanut butter cup later...
I was doing better...
and I had to eat and eat and eat...
by the time one set of guys got home and the other set left...
I was back to my normal self...

today I'm going to take it easy and get done what I can...
the rest will wait until tomorrow...
DH has left to do the weekly shopping...
Kroger's got some nice sales going on and the rest can be had at Walmart...
fish sandwich from McDonald's is coming back with him...

you all have a great weekend and dodge the S*#@...
spring has to happen sooner or later...


  1. yes 2-4 inches today into tonight

    hope you get to feeling better

  2. I am so looking forward to spring.Lovely flowers bed. Look like you got a lot of them too. Hope things are well with you. I am thinking about putting up my other blog for Music Monday and First Friday Films. I really got to get back in here. I so misses it. I need a lot of catching up to do.Take care..

  3. Hope you're doing better today. Temps have dropped here and it has rained all day. So much for my plans of pulling those weeds :(

  4. I had my McDonald's fish sandwich today! Love them, no tarter sauce though, I'm a ketchup person. Have you tried Wendy's fish. It's a little larger and crunchier, but costs more. Anyhow, have a good evening and eat some peanut butter cups for me!

  5. Hi Tete... Drink lots of water and maybe even some Gatorade.. Yes, the weather has been very fickle hasn't it... we were hovering in the low 40's today.. not good for business, but the diehards came out and shopped... We'll get into Spring when Spring is ready I guess... Your sedum looks beautiful! Hopefully we will dodge the next SNOW!

  6. Hi Tete, Sure Hope your feeling Alot Better, maybe if Spring weather will line up with the calendar, things will get better for all.... I had a Dark Chocolate Peanut butter cup yesterday, actually I ate both of them from the pack ~ Yum! I would love to have a McD Fish Sandwich, but it is about 20 out & too far to walk... I Love what's coming up in your garden, what in the world are the Reddish things that look sorta like an artichoke??? Love the look of that... Grass is still brown here, but sure hope for warmer.... still working on Patience with this dial up connection, but Loving it all the same ~ Just Happy to Be Connected, Not So Lonely when you have Friends to talk to. Did you get My Yahoo Email the other day, I have sent out several emails that I had expected returns, and nothing, I am just wondering if they are actually going out there.
    well, Have a Wonderful Sunday & Feel Better xox Lot of Love

  7. We had 43 degrees and rain here in western NC but it's not bad. The daffodils are all bloomed out and my roses are covered with leaves. Each day is better than the day before. Glad you're back to feeling better. That must be scary for you. Take care.

  8. Sorry you had a bad day, Tete. A peanut butter cup works magic for you though~ And I am sorry to hear that you are getting snow or s@#$ as you like to say. We are still traveling and it has been raining non-stop! UGHGGGG Have a great night~ xxoo Diana

  9. Hope you are feeling fun when you're not up to par..i myself am having gall bladder problems . I love the snaps of your spring flowers. i do so look forward to seeing mine peak throught the ground


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!