Saturday, March 12, 2011

have you ever bitten off more than you could chew?...

I did...
but I was inspired first thing this morning...
I had my bathroom window open and awoke to the robins singing...
and they inspired me to change up a few things...
for robins mean spring...
and we can't see the robins with thick drapes on the windows...
and of course we need to move the table back by the windows so I can watch them...
so that meant redoing the mantle...
so this was try # 1...
then I stood back, thinking I'm a genious, like always...
only to find that it looked like a fake rose bush puked all over the kitchen...
now, ok, I  have a lame excuse...
still on cold meds...
sinuses are still out of whack...
brain cells still nappin'...
or it just could be that I don't have the magic touch every time I try something...
let's try that again...
and we took it all apart...
and set it all on the table...
and this is the 2nd try...
more like me...
and it worked better this time...
and it started happenin'...
and this is the end result...
I was going to use my quilt for a table cloth this week...
but I kept thinking about the guys eating on it..
and spilling things...
and maybe staining it...
so, I just couldn't do it...
but I wanted to see it every time I was in here...
so I put it on the mantle...
for now...
then we took the drapes down in the kitchen and living room...
threw them in the washer...
and put the living room curtains in the kitchen...
and the kitchen curtains in the living room...
do you ever do that?
and then it all started coming together...
no new stuff...
just moved around...
all the stuff moved around here, too...
and the lambs are sitting pretty...
DH worked today and should be getting off in about 8 minutes...
I am too tired to even think about supper...
so it may end up being a pizza night...
and I can find something for me...
it's 54 and the sun has been shining all day and I haven't made it outside yet...
so I think I'm going to do that...
need a shower, too...
still praying for Japan and everyone who lost family and friends, homes, jobs...
praying for the nuclear reactors to hold together...
we won't know for days on the total loss of life and the aftermath of the radiation leakage...
and I'm thanking God today that my biggest decision was where to put a few things that don't matter a hoot compared to my family, friends and home...
we should all be on our knees thanking God it wasn't us...
and that we have things to clean and people to joke with...
that we can smile in our own worlds...
that we still have what matters most...
each other...
and knowing that God is in control...
and there is a plan to all of it...
and that angel wings are soaring...
this weekend will be one of thanksgiving for me...
that I never take a day or all I have been given lightly...


  1. Dear Tete,
    I love your new spring arrangements. All it takes is a glimps of the sun, some robins looking for something good to eat and a window that needs a curtain change..WooHoo...a new look for no money! It looks great.
    Yes, your words are right on..I am so thankful for my family, friends, and my home. It is so sad!

  2. I loved seeing/reading your thought process and loved the outcome. My prayers are definitely with those in harms way.

  3. Tete- I like the 2nd try MUCHO better. It looks lovely...and sweet and nostalgic like you! I like all your little lambs too..they are just so sweet...nothing like a Spring lamb!

    It didn't get much above freezing here today and has been spitting snow all day. I am soooo tired of this and can't wait to open the house up and air it all out! Hurry Spring! xxoo Diana

  4. Great job Tete.. I know how much work it is to redo all those things.. I'm contemplating my mantle makeover this coming week and then will redesign it on Wednesday, my day off. Your new look is great! I've never done the curtain swap simply because I have two totally different curtains/color themes in my rooms and they'd look sorta outta wack. I have done that with sheers though way back when..

  5. I think you chewed this one pretty good, Tete. It all looks wonderful, and it is so much fun to use what you have and just rearrange it! I've been doing a lot of that lately myself and it's such a good feeling.
    I love the new look.

  6. Tete,
    Love the 2nd try...everything looks wonderful.
    Yes we all need to be thankful for what we have
    Ejoy your weekend
    Suzann ~xoxox~

  7. Hi Tete Sweetie...
    Oh I love the second try much better. It is SO you, and I love the use of the quilt. Country all the way sweet girl. I use mine for the table, the mantle, the couch and chairs, our uses are so many. I have even draped mine over a curtain rod for a curtain and found I love the way it blocked out the afternoon heat from our pool. I use my quilts for just about everything.

    Everything looks beautiful and I am sure that is what the Robins are singing about. Love those lambs as well. So sweet for Easter and Spring.

    Happy to see you up and about, today is really the first day that I have felt good since I came down with this round of bronchitis. It really set me back a week or so.

    Sat in the 88 degree sun today, and it felt so warming to my bones. I needed the Vitamin D horribly.

    Many hugs and SO much love sweetie, Sherry

  8. I am trying awfully hard to get spring fever and start cleaning my house. It is so dry and dusty, seems useless at times. I will get motivated in time.

  9. I'm like you,as soon as it is the least bit warm I open the bathroom window! Love that quilt!

  10. Dear TETE,
    THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP TODAY...there you have been so sick...did you have to go for an antibiotic or did the onion and garlic do a red onion okay....
    Claudia had the answer for posting the pictures and I still have to work out the issue with picasa but I feel a lot better than I did.
    This blogging business is not for the faint of heart.
    Your Spring house makeover looks so pretty and inviting. I love your lace curtains and how you have everything arranged. I do not think anything beautifies a house more than lace curtains and I SOOO LOVE YOUR QUILT YOU PICKED OUT...what is the name of that quilt...The colors are just perfect and maybe if you wanted to leave it on your table, you could find a plastic tablecloth to put over it at meal time.
    Pretty picture of the robins.
    Our tulip tree is in bloom...gorgeous blooms....the daffodils are green...the tulips are green and the leaves of the oak, maple, and pecan, trees are ever so carefully releasing their tight grip on baby leaves...
    I continue to pray every day that you are feeling better and better every day. How is you Dad doing Tete...IS HE ANY STRONGER...HOW IS YOUR STEP MOTHER DOING
    You are so precious Tete,
    Stay Strong
    Simply Debbie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!