Thursday, March 31, 2011

hoping we hit 50 today...

these could take awhile to open...
just a couple more warmer days...
and if you look closely...
this little bloom is "OCCUPIED"...
by the cutest little honey bees around...
it may be warm enough to wake a hive...
but it's still chilly to me...
44 right now...
but the sun is shining...
got rain coming in tonight and tomorrow...
but hopefully a great day for Saturday...
maybe there can be some yard work going on here...
the grass is starting to clump...
maybe mowing next week if the rains come and give it a boost...
can't wait to see dandelions...
and dog woods blooming...
cherry blossoms...
it's coming...
are you ready for it?
can you handle it?
mowing in snow flurries is just wrong!
but I have done it before...
hope it's not like that this year...


  1. It is a holiday here in St Louis, Cardinals opening day!! So the sun just came out for them...I will send it your way!!

  2. Oh...we are so far behind this year. When I look out my windows all I see is snow covered lawn and big piles of snow from the plowing! NOTHING green here yet! Ugh- enjoy your balmy weather! xxoo Diana

  3. I'm really surprised those bees were out already but I guess they know best.
    Goldenray Yorkies

  4. I can't wait for Dandelions too! I think a lawn full of them blooming is so pretty, My Flower, everyone elses Weeds.... Still Cold Here, I think we maybe in the 40's on Sunday, but not too sure yet, I am really, really cold tonight, so I may actually have to bring out the little presto heater.... Come On Spring, I can almost feel ya!

  5. Bee's already? Wow - must be warm where you are? Happy Spring... xoox, Tracie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!