Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I was just snap happy today...

it's still in the 40s...
but the sunshine was perfect...
just another 20 degrees...
or even 30...
sweater weather...
that would be so nice...
the grass gets a little greener every day now...
this will fill in so much in the next month...
Doofus is eating my daffodils...
no mail today...
patterns fascinate me...
the birds and back and pooping on everything...
my oops shot of the day...
see me?
these are yellow with black centers...
I hope you had a sunny day...
we have rain coming in tomorrow night...
and then Friday was supposed to be clear and warm...
I guess warm will have to do...
we need the showers to get the flowers...

can you believe that this month is almost over?
well, going to do some blog hopping and eat some ice cream...
just got back from a nightly walk and it's a little too chilly for that...
ice cream will have to make me happy tonight...
hugs to you- Tete


  1. We had snow. It's all gone now, but still not pleased about it. I'm hoping April will be better for us. Love your new header photo!

  2. glad u had a good day, looks pretty it snowed on me on the way into work at 0445!

  3. I think we're having your rains and gray weather. Loved how the sweet critters love the outdoors so much.

  4. I'll take the rain anyday...we are expecting 10" or more of snow on Friday..YUP! no joke..a storm is headed our way...I could just cry!

  5. We've been getting rain and cold all week (cold for us,40's at night)
    When I take Skipper to the door to go out he just looks at me like I;m crazy.Hope you have a warm end of the week!

  6. Tete, I so enjoy your pics. We are too looking forward to sprng. It was warm last week. It has been cold since the 24th of March. Grrrrr!!!!! May get a little snow tonight (Thursday) but is suppose to start warming up the weekend. Thought I would let you know I have my mirror inside now :)) Happy!! Hope you have a good day and keep those pretty spring pics a showing. I do enjoy them!!!Especially the cats. They are so curious and have to test everything out. lol

  7. The good thing about staying in a 4-season country is that you always look forward to Spring (and you believe in hope :) . Your new header is so pink, very nice.

  8. Tete - Your pictures bring lots of hope for a fantastic spring!

  9. Lots coming up for you. Like you I've been out taking photos of the new things starting up for my blog. Not so pretty yet here in Ohiobut I can compare them later. :) The cat shots were adorable.
    Goldenray Yorkies

  10. Still lots of snow here...and I am thrilled to see that you have some green. My favorite shot? The one of the kitty sunning himself! xxoo Diaan


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!