Thursday, March 31, 2011

It hit 50...

we went for a walk...
not a long walk...
not too many birds today...
but the rain clouds are here...
things are coming along...
but we do need rain...
more columbine...
still more to clean up...
but a good day...
any day without snow is a good day!


  1. plan on being out in the yard this weekend...yippee!!

  2. It is lovely to see everything coming alive.

  3. 50 is good! Looks beautiful! I'll have to pick your brain some day for garening tips. Love ya Tete! Keep smilin' xoxox

  4. sky. Can you believe more snow coming here? I can't!!! xxoo Diana

  5. You must have ran back inside to put on your shorts and tank top (that's what my kids would have done) lol Ahhhh, sunshine and 50, you are a lucky duck! cold & rainy here in Seattle - although i did go out and plant all those daffodilsi just posted about! xoox, Tracie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!