Sunday, March 13, 2011

more images...

here are a few more images from my folder...
I am part Irish, Scottish and Cherokee...
I have Irish from my mom's side...
Scottish from both...
and Cherokee from my dad's side...
there is also some prussian in there from doing my genealogy...
from my grandmother's family on my dad's side...
what are you made up of?


  1. I am Irish myself. BOth side of the family. My mother side were both Irish and my grandmother's father is Irish and I am not for sure of both great grandparents. My father side, his dad is Irish and his grandfather was too. He came from Ireland by ship. MY dad's mom is German. Don't know too much on her side of the family. Women were taken by family and left their heritage behind.
    Do you ever watch "Who do you think you are?" on NBC. FRiday night. Celebrities look for their family background. LIsa Kudrow from "Friends" is the producer. She played "Phoebe". Interesting shows. I got to get back at it myself. I think it is almost over.
    Have fun finding your family backgrounds.
    Have a good week.
    I am going to try to get back at the blogging on both pages.

  2. Tete, I just love these. St. Patty’s Day is so fun.
    I wanted to say “thank you” so much for your sweet comment on my sad day post. It meant so much to me and really helped. I just love my blog friends and some are extra special--you are one of those :)
    Hugs, Amy


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!