Friday, March 18, 2011

What brightened your day?

I have a feeling...
it's going to be a good weekend...
from rain to sunshine...
and the rainbow happened in my yard...
enjoy your time in your gardens...


  1. I saw some little peeks of yellow in some of your photos. Beautiful.

  2. Well, you always brighten my day, Tete! It's been warm & sunny here the last two days, and I love it! And there are hints of spring bulbs coming up, though not as much as yours. (we are zone 5, what are you?) So, that makes me happy! Hope you have a great weekend:)

  3. A beautiful Ruby Throated Hummingbird visited our Gardens today and brightened our day... too quick and wiley to photograph *shucks* but perhaps we'll have him pose for us another day to share his beauty on my Blog?

    We had needed a little uplift since it is our Anniversary today but The Man was very sick and spent most of the time at the Hospital. It was as if this little Messenger Of Nature came by to remind us that beauty still thrives in the midst of difficulties.

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  4. Yippeee..we have a sign..yes, a true sign..we have tulip bulbs popping up,,they are small but yes...thay are coming!
    Bring it on...

  5. I see greens are coming out from your garden :) Happy weekend Tete!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!