Tuesday, March 22, 2011

White Wednesday...

just a stroll around the yard this week...
it's 67 and cloudy right now...
with thunder in the background...
feel free to just look around...
we are beginning the spring clean up...
but there's still more to do....
just so the guys remember who is in charge here...
fence went down this winter...
too soon to turn it over...
Mr Wiggles would rather be outside...
thinking of painting the wheel barrow and bike white this year...
the birds are singing so sweetly...
and a fly on my shoe...
and we do have more than white going on here...
and I didn't think you would mind if I stuck some in the post...
join the party of whites at Faded Charm...


  1. Hi Tete Sweetie...
    I love strolling through your gardens. You are having alot more fun outdoors than I am inside working. What a day today. I SO needed this release. Thank you for letting me stroll along.

    I love your white clogs first of all. Shoo fly. Oh that's better. Now those are just the thing for gardening, you can wash them off when you are finished.

    Oh that wheelbarrow and bike would be beautiful painted white. I love that idea. How fresh and beautiful they will look. I can't wait to see that.

    That cushioned lounger sure was calling me, but I didn't stop. I knew if I did, I would still be there lounging. I am SO pooped tonight. What a week and it is only going to be Wednesday.

    I have a star like yours as well. Great minds think alot alike. I love stars, they make me think of country and that takes me home.

    Such a precious picture of Mr. Wiggles. He saying, "Hey someone come back here and get me. I am supposed to be supervising this cleanup."

    Your flowers are so beautiful and they look so peaceful poking through the Earth to say, "Welcome Spring."

    Thank you for taking me away this evening sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  2. What a sign of spring your post is tonight. Your yard with all the limbs and broken fence looks like mine. Between the rain and the wind it has been hard to get much done. Now they are calling for possible snow in the blue ridge this weekend. Oh well, I did get to hang out some sheets to dry today. Nothing like air dried sheets!!! ~~Sherry~~

  3. How beautiful! Happy spring and white Wednesday.


  4. Popping over from white wednesday...loving your spring! xoox,Tracie

  5. Thanks for the stroll. Isn't spring wonderful? Your sign is too cute. It is smart to let everyone know who is in charge.
    ... enjoyed listening to Josh sing while visiting. He is one of my favorites.

  6. WEll, my favorite picture is the one of Mr.Cat taken through the curtain! And, I love that sign...thought I had seen them all but not one that says..I'm not bossy-I just have better ideas. I am definitely going to copy that and place it in unexpected spots all over my house.

    Our white Wednesday consists of 8" of new white snow and it is still snowing. I can't tell you how much fun it was to drive 12 miles to work on unplowed roads at 5:15 am...Uh-huh~ Have a great WW..xxoo Diana

  7. Are you ever done with spring cleanup? I think we have the same birdbath. Top at least. Great photos. Makes me want to get outside and get some more work done too.

  8. Looks like spring has come your way...finally...and love those white crocs.

  9. So what do you think was my favorite picture from your garden???

    THE BOSSY SIGN!!! LOL! With my last name of BOSS I couldn't help but love it!

    Leslie "BOSS"

  10. Nothing says "spring" like those beautiful flowers!!! Great photos!!!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!