Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Best shots of the evening...

we had a high of 71 today...
but those winds didn't die down until very late in the evening...
should have a good day tomorrow, too...
then 4 days of rain...
we so need it...
sweet dreams...


  1. Yesterday it was just beautiful until about 4:30p then it started raining for the rest of the day into night. The ground is pretty damp here so I'd like the sun back please. :)

  2. We had a pretty day yesterday too. Enjoy.

  3. I hope the rain is hit and miss when I am home. My cousin said my tulips are getting ready to bloom and the bradford pear tree was too!

  4. I love the evening light! Especially how it shines through your leaves.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!