Saturday, April 2, 2011

clean up time...

Craig raking...
DH sawing...
Bebe watching...
the sun shining...
the bigger pieces are being saved for the fire pits...
this was hauled away to the land fill...
all clean...
more sawing...
and- NO, Diana...
the chair is not in the fire pit to warm my butt...
though I could have used it out here this morning...
but it was too windy to do a fire....
and sorting...
just before Bebe got into BIG trouble for running off to the neighbor's and had to go inside...
still raking...
yep, still at it...
all done...
I don't know how many trips they made with the cart...
or how many trips to the land fill...
sun and a jet flying over...
Robbie cried the whole time out there...
the grass is tall enough to mow here...
and tall enough to braid here...
shadows on the lawn...
land fill...
they use this area to dump old road pieces and such...
and in the middle you can dump leaves and branches and then the city guys burn it...
baseball field has been mowed...
so while we were out, we stopped to get the mail...
I am not sure if anyone even uses this anymore...
it's always empty...
this the Masonic Hall...
side of a building...
this is where I buy my flowers...
on the way home...
the field behind us...
the farmer is drilling anhydrous...
here he comes...
raising dust...
there he goes...
more clouds...
another truck load...
DH got all of this cleaned up today and all hauled off...
another job done...
now the mowing can begin...


  1. Wow! Y'all got a lot done. I still have more to do in cleaning up my back yard.
    Poor Bebe ... just wanted to make friends and get out of work, lol.

  2. Looks like you all had a beautiful day to do yard work. Don raked and burned leaves here. Our town lets us burn in the county with a burning permit. Looks like you all had lost a lot of limbs this winter.

  3. I worked in the yard all day, planted 2 flats of pansies and 2 flats of alysumms. Then picked up down limbs and after supper we had some wine and a fire in the fire relaxing!

  4. They had a lot cleaning and Bebe had fun watching while you too had fun snapping. It's so good to get outside :)

  5. Well, ya didn't have to get all ornery on me...I was just asking a normal question about the chair in the firepit! Bwhahaha...

    I enjoyed taking the tour with you today. It looks like the boys got a lot done..and I see their two supervisors (you and Bebe) were both on the job! Don't you love those old buildings with the signs painted on them? We saw some gorgeous old signs when we were in MO this past week.

    Hope you have a wonderful Sunday! xxoo Diana

  6. Hi Tete!;) Wow what a busy day! I love your adorable fur babies~ Hope you have a wonderful weekend my friend~ Hugs, Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!