Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Doug taking it easy after supper...
I put Craig in the corner with his laptop...
he was using the coffee table and I took it back...
this was a pain to clean, but got it done...
certain items hide all the electric cords that go to my baby's game systems...
washed, cleaned and straightened up...
more tulips opened this afternoon...
got a purple one!
now how fun is that?
this is hilarious!
both boys dressed alike today without planning...
Doug shows up and I look at hin and the I looked at Craig...
they were so embarrassed!
I haven't seen them dressed alike since they were really little!
more photos of inside...
Steve loved the smell of the candle when he walked in...
until he sat in his recliner...
now he's complaining it's making him hungry...
he says it smells like a cake is baking...
poor guy...
this is the vintage high chair both my kid's used at their grandpa's house...
gearing up for easter...
can you see the bunny?
so much done...
now we need to hit the kitchen...
but may take a day off...
my favorite guys...
other than my guys here...

have a great night...
I'm P U PT!
that's how my mom used to say it...
and she always spelled it so we would know just how tired she was...
later, girlfriends!


  1. The room is really pretty. Love the way you used the vintage high chair as well. I think you've earned a day of rest. Enjoy your tulips.


  2. WOW! You got a lot of work done, Tete. Pretty good for your health, etc. I am impressed.

    I had to smile at the boys being dressed alike. Which one hated it the most? It would have been absolutely perfect if you had matching beanies for both of them...ones with the twirlers on top would be great!

    Get some rest now and take it easy...things can wait you know..you don't have to do it all in one go! I think when you ARE feeling good you just push yourself to the limit and then it catches up with you. Slow down, woman!!!

    Love your Mom's P U PT! I will have to use that with the girls-Lulu (especially her) will think it is funny!

    Love to you,dear Tete- Diana

  3. How Sweet is your place, Love all the Fun Stuff.... I would Hate to dust! Love that the Guys dressed alike, glad the weather is getting to be shorts weather~ Yippy.... just wanted to let you know that I started a BIG Sale, 50% 2 or more, let me know if there is anything you want added to your box.... we can total up Later ~ I should be able to get online easier while at Mandy's, Talk Soon~

  4. Doesn't it feel good to get it done? I hear what he is saying about the candle! my cousin gave me a sugar cookie one and it makes me hungry!
    I am curious about your vintage picture...the yard long one? what is it from?


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!