Wednesday, April 20, 2011

last night's storm...

we had these ball clouds come over before the front line...
and things are green with hail there in the middle...
the radar had 2 shades of red and it was a big area...
and we sat and watched it come...
hitting the second town west and then the next town west of us...
and it was darker than any storm I had ever seen...
and it had tornadoes popping out of it left and right...
golf ball size hail...
and 70 mph straight line winds...
and it kept getting closer and the sirens went off...
and then all of the red turned yellow on the radar...
and just as the winds were coming in...
you could hear it...
it slowed down...
like it hit a wall...
a wall of angels...
for I had prayed for protection...
and you were praying, too...
and we were passed over...
and the angels kept us safe...
and God lifted the storm...
but 8 miles north...
in the town where DH works...
woke up  to this this morning...
and this...
a 3 block section of town was hit...
we are so blessed today to have our homes, our town and our loved ones...
we have had tornadoes before...
70 mph winds before...
hail, rain and all the awesomeness and power in those storms...
but last night's was the most intense and eerie I have ever been through...
it pushed the clouds down to where it was like a fog...
you could feel the moisture and the pressure changes...
the birds were making so much noise right before it hit...
and you could feel the power and force of it from a distance...
and it was coming right at us...
and the line was the length of the state...
so there was no where to go...
and all we could do was sit and watch it come...
not one thing in the yard was touched...
nothing blown over...
a miracle happened here last night...
and we saw it...
sometimes miracles are not always things that happen...
but things that don't happen...
and this morning, we found someone displaced by the storms...
a critter lost...
that sought shelter under our shed for the night...
safe and unharmed...
just like us...
and it has made it's way back to where ever it came...
it just needed a place for the night...

Bless your hearts for keeping us in your prayers...
prayer is the most powerful thing God gave us...
and it works..


  1. What an awe inspiring post. What amazing photos. Did you notice the face in the fourth cloud picture down? Amazing.

    Angels were indeed watching over you, dear girl. ((hugs))

    Blessings to you and your town as the clean up begins.

  2. So glad to hear you came through the storm safely.
    We have had similar storms the past week. Makes one stop and count blessings.

  3. Glad your ok! Looks like Newman got hit??

  4. I'm so glad it skipped over you all. You were in our prayers and we all know God answers prayer. Hope there wasn't any loss of life in the other places hit.

  5. I am thankful you were spared from this terrible storm. So many areas all over are having terrible weather. It looks like this summer is going to be a really bad one weather wise.

  6. Praise the Lord! I am so happy everything turned out fine. Wow! The pictures are amazing. You are right, angels watching over you! Blessings!

  7. That is the most truth ever-sometimes miracles are things that don't happen! AMEN sister- I was praying for you and I know many others were- God is good! Amen! xxoo Diana

  8. Looks like the possum found refuge in the safe place and wandered off when the coast was clear...

  9. So glad to hear you and your family came through the storm safely. We were all praying for you. You are so right, some miracles are things that don't happen.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!