Thursday, April 14, 2011

our last day of sunshine for awhile...

my knock out rose is really growing leaves like crazy...
this is the third spring for it and it was very small when I got it...
I love this color!
we are going to work on this bed a lot this spring...
hopefully on Sunday...
it needs worked up and top soil, manure and sand dumped in...
it has a lot of clay in the ground right here...
not normal for this area...
but when they put the sewer system in town here...
this is where they dumped all the extra dirt and spread it out...
so we have some clay areas...
the maple tree is beginning to look like a tree again...
love this shot...
my lilac...
and I am worried about it...
the main root system is fine...
but the bulk of the plant is not leafing out...
the rest around town are all out now...
Daphne eating my columbines...
so many more violets today...
sunny today...
creeping charlie...
it's got the prettiest little blue flowers...
but it takes over so fast...
the grass needs mowed so bad...
this is just so bright...
and this one gets more intense every day...
another one...
I think it will be the hot pink, too...
Craig had to remove Boofy so I could get a photo...
my girls...
leaves and seed pods...
green everywhere...
mower guy came!
boy, did it need it...
got the girl dressed this morning...
so Craig and Tia put her and her guy up...
he fell down just as soon as the mower guy started mowing on this side...
they are tied up good now...
so no more dropsy here...

toasted ham and cheese sandwiches with fried potatoes tonight...
simple and easy and good...
doing better today and moving slower...

I am  looking forward to the rain and getting on here a little more...
we need some down afternoons...
I am so enjoying being out and the yard already...
can't wait for shady spots and warm breezes...
and fire flies...
just the best part of summer!
hope your day is fun!


  1. Hi Tete, Your Garden sure is Flourishing! ! ! ! Love it, the temp has been in the 50's but breezy, hardly anything green around here, Yet... I still keep waiting for the buds on the trees to start, maybe I just need my glasses for Everything, the buds might be there, but I just don't See Them~ I figured out how to change my Blog Font, but what is the name of the font you are using? Love it.... Grands now in bed, I am moving very slow & hurting, took a fall today, went to sit on the computer chair they have & it is on rollers, on Very Hard Wood Floors, well needless to say, the chair got away from me & I fell hard to the floor, hurt my left wrist, my hip & my ribs hurt, I felt like my whole body just got Jarred! I just took 4 advils, hope that will take some of the aching away.... last time I was here, watching the kids, I twisted my ankle ~ My daughter is never going to let me watch the kids, I always seem to get hurt~
    talk later

  2. Dear Tete,
    Knock out roses..are they really the best going? I just read about these at the nursery and they have not arrived yet..said they were flowering roses for a long time? Do you like them? Do you have a beetle or yellow leave problem with them? Tell more please>>>

  3. the tulips are pretty and lasting longer this year. here is to hoping we can work out side Sunday!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!