Monday, April 11, 2011

our morning...

we had thunderstorms come in around 2am this morning...
we got some rain here and that's about it....
DH called me from work about 10am and was wondering if we had any damage...
he hadn't seen any when he left for work...
the office at ADM in Newman, where he works...
lost half of it's roof about 3am...
that's when the alarms went off anyway...
and a tree was uprooted...
we were fine here...
prayed through the night for us, our property and our town to be safe...
prayer answered...
the rain beat some things down a little...
but they are still blooming...
and everything we worked on yesterday, got washed off this morning by the rain...
ferns are uncurling...
I love to watch them do this...
these were from my mom's yard...
seed pods...
maple leaves like rain...
we had gone out for a walk as soon as the rain stopped...
we slept in until 9 today...
couldn't believe it, but it was dark and cozy in bed...
the potting table that I washed up yesterday...
then we went to get the mail and drove around for about 10 minutes...
the dam again...
white water...
if foams at the bottom and there's part of a limb stuck...
blooming things were every where...
and standing water...
the undergrowth is greening up, too...
a sure sing of spring...
a small bridge we had to cross...
a little creek...
I wish we had one on the property...
I love little streams...
more standing water in a field...
see the purple mass blooming?
pear blossoms...
and I love this small street lined with them...
on the square again...
and back home for some quick work...
ferns on the north side...
it won't be long until they start uncurling...
so had to get this raked off...
it's not a big area, so didn't take long...
they come in so thick, I don't worry about the weeds here...
the ferns will choke them out...
rose bush...
got the dead trimmed off of it this morning...
wasn't too much dead at all...
this should really grow this year...
I love the bench out here...
I can walk out here and sit down and rest before I move on to the next stop...
if Doofus shares with me...
I have so been waiting for this to warm up...
the sun has popped out while I have been doing this post and it's 61 now...
was 59, after the storms went through...
we got enough rain to make things grow good for a day or two...
now, back to cleaning house!


  1. It looks like you live in a lovely area. I'm glad you all were okay and I hope your hubby's job isn't affected.

  2. I can't believe how green everything is there! We started greening today and I am just tickled pink...well, tickled anyway!

    We had those terrible thunderstorms here last night but the tornadoes went around us.thank goodness!

    Hope your day was wonderful! xxoo Diana

  3. Hi Tete, I can hardly wait till our Spring Green catches up with Yours.... after the 80 temp on Sunday, it was only 50 yesterday, I think about the same today, but the Sun Is Shining! ! ! Love that, getting ready to go to Daughter's till Sunday, when they get back from Vegas, I will have the 3 Grands, Sure I will be Exhausted when I return Home, but Look forward to making Memories with Them! Miss Ya ~ working on getting High Speed DSL instead of the Dial Up, at times I could wait for 30 minutes for a page to load & then it's gone for some reason.... Going to ship your package tomorrow, on my way to my daughters... talk soon


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!