Monday, April 25, 2011

photos from Newman...

we got up early this morning and headed north 8 miles to Newman...
this is where the tornado hit last Tuesday night when we were spared...
DH said that most of it is cleaned up now...
but there was still plenty left to pick  up...
he said it was a lot worse than this...
that's a whole tree down in front of this house...
you could drive around and follow the path...
it was about 6 blocks long...
there were trees down and limbs off...
roofs that were covered and waiting to be fixed...
there used to be a huge old building here a farmer used to store his equipment in and had all his spring seed inside...
see the limb stuck through the wall?
or what's left of a wall...
no one was hurt or killed in this...
this is our place this afternoon...
mowed Thursday, but looks like it needs it again...
the rains have come off and on all weekend...
we have water standing in the fields...
but nothing like some areas...
the storms have mainly stayed south of us...
my step mom called about an hour ago and they have had 9 inches of rain this weekend...
they are flooded...
but they have missed the tornadoes so far....
more storms coming in tonight for them...
southern Mo- Poplar Bluff especially- are flooded and evacuated over 1000 people along the Black river...
the levee is not going to hold...
they also had a tornado there...
southern Mo and northern Arkansas are flooded...
we have family in that area...
it's where my dad is from...
also heard around Shelby, Ohio...
were some of my family is...
that they had bad storms again this afternoon and a tornado on the ground 5 miles west of there...
there are so many in between that are having flooding and bad weather...
if you could remember all of them in your prayers...
it would be awesome...

DH is on his 4th day off...
has to go back to work tomorrow...
haven't been on here too much...
spending time with family and getting out and about...
I will try to get caught up...
been having to share the computer...
you know how it is...
that and eating...
made way too much...
ate way too much...
did you do that?
I had 3 weaknesses this time...
mashed potatoes...
and banana pudding...
thank goodness 2 of the 3 are gone!
working on the 3rd...
gained 3 dern pounds this weekend!
been walking more...
got to step it up now!


  1. The destruction was pretty bad there. The weather has been really wild. We got some pretty bad storms today but not like you all have. Take care.

  2. Seems like a very wet Spring every where this year..


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!