Friday, April 1, 2011

There's something fishy about April Fool's Day...

vintage french postcards...
they appear to have one thing in common...
pink fish generally...
the images are just too cute...
and I have no clue what they say...
but they are so colorful...
love this one...
and there is a series with rotten pear heads...
at least that's what they look like to me...
and they also have fish...
whimsy postcards...
and then there are others...
probably printed here long ago...
her head is a little too big...
and this one...
maybe the first scratch off...
and a black and white with another fish...
I have a thing for April Fool's Day...
my son was born on this day...
and my grandpa...
big joke in my family on how many fools are in the family tree...
have a great day and beware of pranksters...
but remember...
officially you have to do your pranks before noon!
Happy Pink Saturday!


    You have some awesome postcards. I have a lot of vintage postcards but I don't own any of or like these. They are awesome.
    Living with my husband is April Fools Day every
    Have A Sugar Sweet Day, my dear friend
    Simply Debbie
    I think the sun might shine today...he has not been out since last Friday...grey, cold days.

  2. Happy April Fools Day! I love the vintage cards as ususal you have some unusual and pretty stuff. Enjoy your day. Blessings!

  3. What wonderful Postcards! Happy April Fools day and Happy Birthday to you Family members! Enjoy your weekend.

  4. What fun stuff ~ You always find the Best Stuff.... I had never heard the time limit of Noon on April Fool Pranks ~ Interesting! Hope the weather is great, the sun is just coming out & I thin we may be in the 40's today, Yippy!

  5. I love a laugh on a Friday morning and you gave me more than one. Take care sweetie.

  6. Hi Tete- Simply Debbie (your first commentor) did a April Fish Day post too. Here is the history she posted...

    We have the French to thank for this fun day.
    When King Charles IX adopted the new Gregorian
    Calender and New Years Day shifted from
    April 1 to January 1, many rebelled and
    continued to celebrate "April Fish Day".
    To this day, the French continue to be up to
    something "fishy" on April 1.
    When their victim is not looking, they tape
    a paper fish on their back.
    When they discover the prank everyone
    yells out,
    "le poisson d'avril"
    "April Fish Day."

    Thought you would get a kick out of her info.

    My grandmother's birthday was April 1st also. Hugs-Diana

  7. Tete, your collection is awesome. Two born on April's Fool Day ...

    Have not haerd the fish bit before.

    I love old postcards & so regret selling all 900 of mine ... all I kept were the rose ones, ugh!

    Always enjoy you, my friend.

    Happy pink April lst ~
    TTFN ~


  8. So funny! THanks, NanaDiana for the explanation.

    Some of the postcards say something like "Here's a fish to bring you good luck" but some are too tiny to read.

    I don't know about the pears!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  9. Those are such neat postcards - a little weird, but cool. Thanks for sharing. Happy PS!


  10. What a refreshing post......I adore vintage postcards from any country......the artwork is always so first visit to "pink Saturday" is fun.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!