Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Birthday, Pink Saturday!

and it's time to party!
Congrats for 3 years!
Pink Saturday is AWESOME!

hats off to you, Beverly, for keeping this going strong!
what a blogger!
it's only going to get better and better!
for those of you still having problems leaving comments...
when it sends you to sign in...
unclick the box that says keep me signed in and you will get right in...
it works!


  1. Happy Pink Saturday Tete Sweetie..
    Oh what a beautiful share today. I love this precious face. You combined several things into this collage, and I absolutely adore it. You my dear are quite talented.

    Hope you are having a wonderful Friday and preparing for the long weekend. I hope the storms have blown over and you all are safe and warm. Did the sun come out today?

    Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  2. Thank you so very much for the tip on how to sign in. I have to admit I was getting frustrated as I was trying to post on other blogs. Happy Pink Saturday! ~Marti

  3. Happy pink Saturday ! I used to be a BIG Chuck Norris fan, and still am but, sigh, Mike Holmes has taken his place as Number One on my list. My Sweetie knows and it's okay with him LOL

  4. Happy Pink Saturday, Tete! This is how little I know about the world of computers...I don't even know what cookies and cache are! So, there you have. Now you all know just how computer-illiterate I really am although I did figure out how to leave comments yesterday. Have a wonderful holiday weekend, my friend.


  5. What a gorgeous image to celebrate Pink Saturday's 3rd Birthday! You did a brilliant job creating that special collage.

    Best wishes,

  6. Hi Tete, Happy Pink Birthday Saturday. Hasn't blogger been a booger this week. When it asked me to sign in, I would just back back out and come back in. Worked everytime. xoxo Lynn

  7. Loved the way Lynn said Blogger has been a your pink picture. Very pretty

  8. You are just the best when I comes to sharing blog issues ans solutions with us. I know who to contact with my next question. Wish I had a brain for technology. Loved your pinks.

  9. Happy Pink Saturday! Glad that fix is working for you!

  10. Let's celebrate!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  11. Happy PINK Saturday Tete! I have missed visiting your blog lately and hope you are feeling well! Have a great weekend, Nan

  12. Thanks Tete, but that is what I already have, the pop up window... and my comments have been zero. I don't know if my blog is not working or what. Anyway, nice to know I can come to your blog to find out what to do!!!

  13. Hi Miss Tete....I've been having fun looking at all the "pink" posts today.
    I hope you are having fun this weekend.
    Luv ya.

  14. yAHOO my blogger is back and I am here to visit you. Hope your holiday is going well.



  15. HPS a bit late! Blogger has prevented me form visiting more pinkies. Argh...but this was a sweet tribute to the pink hostess of all Beverly and the wonderful weekly meme Pink Saturday. Anne

  16. Happy Pink Saturday, dear Tete. Thank you for all you do to make Pink Saturday special.♥

    And, thank you for the pretty birthday greeting and wishes. I love it.!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!