Sunday, May 8, 2011

lounging in the shade...

yesterday afternoon, we spent time in the loungers...
just hanging out...
eating popsickles...
and watching the clouds go by...
and darken...
and the wind picked up...
and then early evening...
storms passed by us to the east...
a tornado was spotted 16 miles NNE of us...
storm front on the prairie...
that just missed us again...
and we watched it go by...
angels working overtime...
keeping us safe...
keeping our home safe...
keeping our property safe...
keeping our town safe...

praying for those still cleaning up and going through the spring storms...

extra prayers for all the mothers out there that have children in the armed forces fighting on foreign soil and maintaining freedom away from home...

prayers for those mothers who have empty arms and a child on the other side...

prayers and unending  hugs for all the mothers who are sleeping in a chair beside a hospital bed tonight, full of fear, hanging on with both hands for a child they may have to give back...

prayers for all the women who would give anything to be a mother, but go through life without the joy of holding their own in their arms...

God blessed me with the softest, toughest, bravest, most fearful woman who ever walked this earth...
who always told me that motherhood was not for wimps...
who led by example and lived what she preached...
whose shoes I attempt to fill daily, but who left clear and vivid footprints for me to follow...
who never gave up on me, even when I had a hard time finding my way...
who loved me enough to tell me no, so others would love me, too...
Happy Mother's Day, mom...
you were the best friend I ever had...
or ever will...
and I so miss walking in your shadow...
our talks...
your hugs...
for this is the one day of the year that I miss you most...
16 Mother's Days and counting...
loving you forever and a day...


  1. It was suppose to rain here but cleared early am and was beautiful! I worked in the yard, but spent some time sitting and taking it all in.

    Have a wonderful Mothers Day!

  2. You can tell how much you and your Mom loved each other in the picture. Her eyes are so happy, and your little hand on her arm says so much.
    Happy Mother's Day Tete.
    Luv ya.
    Thank you for praying for my family...once again.

  3. You were so blessed to have such a wonderful Mom- I am sure your boys feel the same way about you. Happy Mother's Day sweet Tete! xxoo Diana

  4. Beautiful~ Happy Mother's Day Dear Friend.... XOX

  5. Tete, I love LOVE that gorgeous Columbine.
    What fab pics you captured ... please be safe.

    Have a beautiful Mother's Day, sweetie.

    Love Is...

    Friendship & hugs,

  6. You always seem to be able to put into words what's in my heart. Have a wonderful Mother's Day.

  7. Have a blessed day Tete!!!! hugs to a fellow bloggy sis mama...xo


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!