Sunday, May 29, 2011

Love is ...

Praying for peace...
so we do not have to mourn another soul lost to war...
that all soldiers grow to old age...
and that we can learn to live in harmony...
remembering those who gave all they had to keep us free...

Joining Marydon for a Love Is love fest!
go check out this sweet lady...

and our day was fruitful...
trimmed dead limbs off of the hybrid poplular...
which was a major undertaking...
and my guys cut them all down with hand saws...
and the clean up was massive...
2 loads hauled to the burn pile...
and a cart full to start fires with...
getting ready to move the fire pit here...
so we had to move the bricks out a bit for it to fit...
and Robbie loved helping Craig dig out roots to lay the bricks level...
we will level the blocks tomorrow and then finish the lounger area...
the warm front came through last night and we had a high of 87 today...
90's coming...
but it wasn't too bad in the shade and we had a nice breeze...
I had a slower day...
and took it easy...
yesterday left me sore and stiff...
but I puttered and bossed the guys around...
which is my favorite job anyway...
I pupt out early and after supper and a shower...
I took a nap...
so hoping tomorrow is a good day and we can get this part of the yard finished so we can move on to the other jobs on the list...
have a great evening!


  1. Hi Tete Sweetie...
    A beautiful tribute my sweet friend. So beautiful. Hope you and the family have a wonderful Memorial Day. We are going to be lazy and lounge around the pool and BBQ.

    Don't forget to slow down now and take time to smell those roses. You are pushing. I feel it in my bones. Am I going to have to come out there and check on you??

    Love you sweet friend. Have a wonderful day tomorrow. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  2. Nicely said. I am always grateful to see the wonderful tributes here. Anne

  3. Tete, this is just the sweetest ... TY for sharing. Peace will one day come, I hope soon before any further lives are given up.

    You are having quite a job there with this tree removal. I'd be store & stiff, too.

    Have a beautiful weekend.
    TTFN ~

  4. Your yard is really coming along. That was a lovely sentiment for our military too. Have a great day.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!