Thursday, May 26, 2011

rainy day fun...

what do you do on a rainy day?
clean house?
working on it...
clean out the fridge before grocery shopping?
pay bills?
go for a ride in the country?
and we ended up at the green house 3 miles south of us that Craig worked at for 2 years while in college...
in between corn and bean fields...
right about where one of the rotations was reported last night...
it did not touch down!
so we looked and planned...
took zero money, no check book...
so we bought nothing!
they have a nice selection...
but they are a dollar higher on their 4 packs...
so here is inside one of two of the green houses...
they even have humming birds flying around in here...
and at 63 degrees, they had them closed up...
Craig loved working here...
and I loved it, too...
I used to take him to work and pick him up...
when he had something to finish...
I just walked around...
I am going back after some of these mini pink petunias, some snap dragons and purple savlia...
these also caught my eye...
these are new this year...
black striped petunias...
only 3 dahlias were open...
I like to pick by color...
I may have to snag that basket...
maybe if I'm really good...
and my sales are good at the mall...
these are by bff's favorite...
this is all she buys...
and girl, there are still 5 left...
I thought- how fun!
cute watering cans...
then I saw that they are planters! 
now, that's cute...
snap dragons in a pot along the walk way...
and of course there is water in the fields...
we got 2.8 inches so far...
yesterday and today...
and we so needed it...
it's nice not having to water...
and what kind of a drive would it be without cows?
black angus cows?
still got a slow rain going on...
going to make bbq turkey for supper tonight...
you all have a great evening and I will try to visit a few more...
some I can leave comments on and some I can't...
I hope they get this all straightened out soon...
I can leave comments on the ones who have a pop out window...
but if you don't...
blogger has no clue who I am!


  1. Nice to have a real, live green house nearby, instead of relying on Home Depot or Walmart. They are all so beautiful!

  2. We have a big commercial green house here called VanWingerden's and it is sensory overload when you get the chance to walk down their aisles. You took some lovely photos Tete. Glad nothing was damaged there.

  3. Although I figured out in a round about way yesterday how I can comment, I still can't stay signed in. Also, yesterday afternoon two draft posts posted by themselves. When I went to delete them, they were still the the draft folder. Now today, my friends and my recent posts have disappeared. OK. I'm venting. Thanks.

  4. I like that garden center, have stopped in the fall for mums

  5. Never go to the nursery without your wallet! But the nursery i go they let me have account there haha. Nice photos, Tete. Thanks for sharing!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!