Tuesday, May 10, 2011

White Wednesday Wishes...

wishes just seem to happen around here...
so today, I wish...
there were no sore throats after February...
and there were no allergies...
nothing was considered a weed...
and that my son wouldn't wear my shoes...

still under the weather here...
staying in and staying down...
getting as much rest as I can...


  1. OMGosh- I started laughing right out loud because, of course, I took it to the next level and pictured him in your dress and stockings! lol I am soooo bad...Thanks for the late afternoon smile! xxoo Diana

  2. i wish you well.
    I totally with ya, my allergies are just horrible this time of year and miss being able to have green around me.

  3. you made me giggle! love the shoes- hehe, I am so done with allergies!


  4. Whew...I'm sooo glad you let us know that your son was wearing your shoes! At first I thought about sending you a razor!
    I'm sorry to hear you are still feeling yucky, Tete.
    Enjoyed your pics, even tho they made my nose tickle.
    Warm hugs,

  5. Cute white post! Couldn't help but giggle a bit at the legs...

    I understand about the allergies. We got home last week and the very next day I was hit big time with allergies, stopped up head, sore throat - the works. It set me back for the rest of the week.

    Feel better soon!

  6. Great post...I'm with you...we have *another* round of colds here too...get well soon and Happy WW!

  7. Oh you poor girl, you! I just got over a nasty cold. Ugh! Loved your whites today - even though I, too, thought that you were lagging in your shaving duties. lol! Hope you're feeling better soon, sweetie!

    xoxo laurie

  8. Hey Tete, so sorry that you are Still under the weather, I sure hope & Pray you Feel Better, I was gone all day to my cousins, now I just finished listing several things she gave me on eBay.... Wow, it sure was warm at your place today, it was about 70 and a bit humid, I thought we were suppose to have rain today, but never did.... I have a Dr. Apt tomorrow, first time I have been to the Dr. in Over 16 years~ yes, I said 16, it could be 18... I was able to sign up for a Free (lady things apt) when I went to that Womens show 2 weeks ago, so I am a bit nervous! sure everything will be fine, but if you could put alittle Word in with the Big Guy in the Sky~ talk tomorrow.... xox

  9. Oh I hope you feel better soon! And, I hope your son stops wearing your shoes, ha!


  10. Hi Tete...
    Oh is Dandelion wishes only came true, I would have it made!! Hope you feel better soon:-)

  11. I just spent about 2 hours digging out dandelines, now because of your pictures I see them in a whole different light! Amazing, but I still do not want them in my gardens, Celeste, victoriantailor.com


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!