Friday, June 24, 2011

birthday surprises!

just a quick showing of what Craiger and I weeded this morning...
and trimmed back and swept...
what a fun place to be in the morning...
Robbie finally stood still long enough to get a clear photo...
and now for my birthday surprise...
a tin shelf...
this is what the top looks like...
pretty darn cool...
and this iron white iron piece...
super big...
so I have no idea where they are going to go...
will work on that this weekend...
they are from my bf Rebecca...
my birthday is not until the 17th of August...
but she and I have this same problem...
or gift...
we like to buy things ahead of time for each other...
and then...
we can't keep it to ourselves...
it kills us to have something for the other and not give it to them right away...
so we...
always do it early!
so we can have it and enjoy it a bit longer...
and we can plan how we are going to use it...
so by the time the holiday rolls around...
we are ready to display our new stuff...
and since we are both like that...
she told me it was ok...
yep, it is...

71 today and cloudy skies...
perfect camping weather for my bestie...
she is gone for the weekend...
in her pink camper...
with the kids and her parents...
one of these days...
I might show up and spend a night with her in this pink camper...
and I will take my pink nightgown and pink slippers...
pink tooth brush and pink comb...
and we will tell ghost stories and dream of pink houses...
can't wait until I am able to do that...

have a great day and a super fun weekend!
get out there and weed, girls!
it's a great stress reliever...
and it looks super cool when you're done!
the house work can wait until next weekend...
trust will still be there!


  1. I do that with my kids all the time...and my grandkids! I will buy them something and then give it to them way ahead of time...yeah...I keep finding we are more and more alike!;>)

    I love your presents. The shelf and metal thingy are just wonderful! She did good! August 17th, huh? Our anniversary is on the 16th.

    I am waiting for 3 little girls to get here. I just got home from work and they are coming for the weekend..I can't wait to see them come running up the porch steps. I think we are going to make those cake box cookies tonight. They each get their OWN pan-that way they can eat their own germs after they roll those cookies around in their little hands...and Papa will eat any of them because he is not fussy about what he eats!;>)

    Hope you are having a wonderful Friday- xo Diana

  2. You have a super wonderful and thoughtful friend, Tete! Love the white metal thingy! Thanks for your visit and have a lovely weekend. BTW, I'm glad I took my photos of the lilies yesterday because the wind is blowing the petals off! We're not having much of a Summer so far.


  3. WOOT! Birthday Surprises from SWEETEST friends are the BESTEST!!!!
    I LOVE the white wrought iron decorative piece...but then you already knew I was gonna say metal pieces..All the heating and fiery furnace it takes to soften the metal in order to reshape it into something beautiful and then forge it into a stronger piece...speaks to my heart...:-)
    Your yard looks wonderful!! Busy busy hands...Yes, a pink weekend girl's time out sounds delicious...Hope you can do it one day. Thank you for your oh-so-kind comments Tete...they encourage!!. :-) :-) HUGS to you!!!! God bless your weekend.

  4. Happy Birthday in advance! Can't wait either! Really neat "thingy" you received! Have a great weekend (maybe in your pink nightie). Hugs to you, Honey

  5. We have things in common. I love pink, and anything for my garden. It is quite shabby right now.

    I'm searching for things to put in it... things that I can afford, of course.

    It is hard to grow flowers in my back yard because I have a huge Live Oak Tree that shades most of the yard.

    Mexican Heather... I do love that plant. It comes back every year, and I need three more large plants.

    I love your blog, the music, the concept and what you have to say; what you stand for.

    Thank you, Jesus!

  6. Hope you liked your birthday surprises! Would love for you to visit the pink camper soon!

  7. I knew we had a deep connection, my Mom's birthday is August 17th! Now I will never forget your birthday! Love the iron piece, I could use that on my cottage!

  8. I love both those pieces, but that iron one really caught my eye.

    You are so right, weeding is a big stress reliever. When we moved here, and started a garden, it was full of Johnson Grass. It took me 2 years of digging, and searching, when my stress level got too high. But, I finally got every last sprig of that stuff gone from my garden. I was told it couldn't be done, which pushed me even more, so I could say Not True.

    I love your blog, and Diana is the one who sent me your way, so if you want to 'blame' anyone, call on her. lol


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!