Sunday, June 12, 2011

cooler today...

this is a before...
and an after...
trimming limbs, pulling weeds and cleaning up...
the guys worked really well early this morning...
I was in bed very late and up early...
I had to wear my hoody sweatshirt this morning...
it got down to 57!
such a big difference than the last couple of weeks...
and our high today was only 73...
God blessed us with the most perfect summer day...
even the cicadas were quiet this morning...
they are finally starting to die off...
and we moved a few things, but nothing major...
I pulled and hoed and then about noon...
I stiffened up so much, I could hardly move...
another batch of lilies started opening...
love bird cages!
bought this one from Rebecca several years ago at one of her barn sales...
love the shadows here...
we got the island area done...
and then we worked on little areas that needed a weed pulled here and there...
and then we did the most dreadful job of all...
we cleaned out the van...
a years worth of yuck was undone...
Craig and I even went to the car wash and vacuumed it out...
he had helped a friend move who dumped sand all over 2 of the seats...
but now it's clean and ready to haul us to great adventures on down the road...
DH needs to get his drivers license renewed next weekend...
so we will be headed for Paris and another Dollar Store and a smaller hometown Walmart...
maybe they will let me go in...
they also have a burger king...
if we leave early enough...
biscuits and gravy with a sausage biscuit just might happen...
well, just got a cake out of the oven...
butter brickle...
and a black berry, homemade, pie went in...
still eating on left overs from the BBQ...
it's been a great weekend...
hope your's went as well...
I notice no one has been posting much at all...
I hope that means you are all out there having fun and getting things done!


  1. You are blessed to have weather like that. We are in the triple digits and will be for a long time. No rain in sight.

  2. Waan't it great today! Weeded all the front and side beds and finally planted my dahlias, zinna, glads and marilgolds.

    I am pooped and stiff too!!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!