Friday, June 3, 2011

got color? we do...

snap dragons we picked up yesterday...
started out early this morning cuz we've got a 95 degree day and it's starting to warm up out there...
so we got a bucket of soapy water and started washing pots we found when cleaning out the shed...
then the potting soil...
and tada!
then we watered this morning...
they are going to get a steam bath this afternoon..
it's too early to get this stinkin' hot aleady!
but it's better than snow and ice...
just a glimpse of fun to come...
can you guess?
the hanging plants that got new, deeper pots yesterday...
found those in the shed, too...
figures, huh?
my white frame looks good out front...
and in the fall it can come in and play inside for the winter...
and here are my peonies!
they missed Decoration Day...
so they are few days late...
that's ok...
and this is the 3rd year for them and it will only get better...
aren't they pretty?
our friend, Charles, gave them to us...
he owns the lots across the street...
we just went over and dug a few up...
maybe I should ask for more before he sells the lots...
the mower guys will probably come this afternoon...
my little bitty bench on the deck...
and a few things on the table...
along with Jean Pierre...
he loves watering the flowers...
DH and I weeded the south bed this morning, too...
found a yellow bush start from a bush I have had for years and a mum start...
so dug them and put them in peat pots...
will have to wait and see if they make it...
then set them back in the bed where I had dug them from so they will have the same sun and rain until the take off and get a little bit bigger...
and went for a walk...
I am sore but hanging in there...
no pain, no gain...
but I have slowed down again...
taking my time doing everything and letting the guys do more...
they want me to sit and not move at all...
but I have to move...
I have to do something or it won't get better...

Doug brought Craig's van back and DH is taking him back home...
stopping at Walmart and County Market...
CM has some good deals on their produce this week, so check them out...
they also have bedding plants for 69 cents a 3 pack...
not too shabby...
so I am trusting DH to pick something out...
pink, yellow, purple or white...
no red...
no orange...
not me...

we have two days of 95, so may be blogging more or getting caught up again on the housework and pricing stuff for the antique mall...
making a trip in Monday and to shop again for the furniture store...
I have a few ideas floating around in my head...
along with my 2 remaining brain cells...
gives my thoughts more room to float...

my bff, Rebecca, is camping this weekend...
borrowed my pink kennel so she could take Maggie, her dog, with her...

you all have a great day and stay cool!
just keep telling yourself it's better than ice...
yes it is!


  1. The color of your snapdragons is beautiful...hope they can handle the heat!!!

  2. Peonies! My favorite! Love that little white frame hanging on the window! Have a good weekend, sweet friend!

  3. I LOVE YOUR PEONIES!!!!! Love all your colorful flowers. They make me smile...made my mama happy too. :-)
    Thanks for telling me about your Oct.3rd son...What a very special day. :-) Hugs to you for a great weekend!!! xo

  4. Your peonies are GORGEOUS!!!! Mine haven't even gotten starts of blooms this year (only their 2nd yr) so I dont' think I'll get any @ my house! :( Thanks for sharing yours though!
    Have a great weekend!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!