Saturday, June 4, 2011

it's a hot one here...

heat index is 97...
so all the work was done early this morning...
I will have to show you later, after the cold front comes through tonight, what we worked on...
cuz this chick doesn't do hot...
and we have just done nothing today...
I can't stay on task...
I priced a few things and got bored...
so I watched HGTV...
got bored...
ate and got online and got bored again...
I have been bouncing back and forth and not doing anything...
the area where the fire pit was is all cleaned up and sowed...
and we have been waiting the last 2 days for mower guy to show up...
we had pretty clouds early this morning...
DH picked up some more flowers yesterday...
he liked these...
he said I didn't have any that looked like this...
we potted 3 more pots this morning...
you can never have too many pots...
my bff, Rebecca, just called from the camp ground...
she is having a great time with her family and my little pink kennel is working out just fine for Maggie...
she couldn't get her PS post linked from the camp ground on her iPad...
so I did it for her last night...
beef manhattans tonight for supper...
not cooking a lot tonight...
it's supposed to be much better tomorrow but with a chance of thunderstorms...
after all this heat, we could use the rain...

have a great night!


  1. Hello Tete,
    We never get weather that hot here probably because we're surrounded by water. Good thing too because the heat is one of my enemies; extreme heat and cold both are. Your flowers are gorgeous! Love the pink snapdragons and your peonies are swoon-worthy.
    My blog is working almost perfectly again thanks to following your instructions. You know what they say, "You learn something new every day!" Have a lovely weekend, my friend.


  2. It is hot here today too, Tete! I have been inside most of the day...too tired to do much of nything. My son called me this morning to pop by a garage sale he was at to see a chest that was there. MyHero decided to ride along -big mistake- if he had not been with me I would have bought the dresser. He talked me out of it...and then he bought a BOAT down the street. Sometimes I want to scream! I bought a new computer last night- my other one was so old and slow. This is a laptop and I am learning how to use it. I am having one of those "bored" days too...I can't seem to stay on point for any one thing. Have a great evening- xoDiana

  3. Forgot to tell you that your flowers are gorgeous! And your yard is looking WHERE is that mower guy? Probably sitting in some air conditioned house! xoDiana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!