Saturday, June 11, 2011

It's Pink Saturday time...

I hope you all have had a pinkie week!
the pink lilies are finally blooming!
been a busy and short week here...
but we are getting the rain we need for the yard and gardens...
and some much needed down time for us...
the cold front is moving through tonight and I am so ready for the cooler temps...
it's been near 100 here the last couple of weeks...
so, hope your weekend is everything you hoped for!


  1. I better see if my lilies are blooming! Love the color of yours!

  2. I better see if my lilies are blooming! Love the color of yours!

  3. I love the PINK!...I have orange, yellow, grape, coral, and a few ruffled...but NO PINK!...pretty! :-) HOT here too. Hugs to you...stay COOL!!

  4. Loving your pink lillies ~ I've only got orange ~yours are prettier! lol
    Have a great weekend!

  5. Your lilies are beautiful..I can almost smell them. My old neighbor had pink lilies and I always loved them. After I got to know her she told me that when the lady that owned the house we bought got sick she planted them where the lady could see them because they were her favorites. That really endeared her to me. xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!