Thursday, June 9, 2011

less is more...

have you ever gotten tired of something?
well, I did...
too much stuff...
and so the day began buy boxing it all up...
can you believe that there were 3 boxes worth of stuff in this small space?
I have a ledge on top of my cabinets here in the kitchen...
and these 3 bowls have been sitting up there for 9 years or more...
not being used...
collecting dust, and let me tell you...
it was a lot of dust and grease...
so now they are being used and are prettier than what I had before...
and when the walls were all washed...
and everything wiped down...
I started again...
I picked only what I really liked...
and it's still a bit over the top...
and I will have to eliminate more later...
but it's a start...
how do we get so much stuff?
where does it all come from?
but it's all clean...
and different...
not real...
and I used my 3 roosters that have been boxed up for years...
and it's all because I wanted to see out my kitchen windows at the trees and flowers...
and I will take more photos to show some really fun things later...
but it wore me out...
in a good way...
I am able to do so much more every month...
and it is so nice to be able to do things myself...
I really had a great day...
and I so enjoyed doing it with Craig...
he worked so hard for me...
and did a great job getting the high places...
and the very low ones...

I am saving to do the kitchen...
same pale sage green in the living room and white bead board on the walls...
painting the kitchen cabinets an off white...
it's not a lot...
but will change it completely...

no rain yet- another 90+ day...
same thing tomorrow...
then it will cool down...
can't wait...

enjoy your evening...


  1. Oh it looks nice, Tete. And I bet it smells nice and fresh and clean too! I need to go through all my cupboards so bad and give some stuff away. I keep thinking maybe I will need it or want it someday. It is a sickness, I tell ya-a sickness! Have a good night- xo Diana

  2. Something we all should do more often. I certainly need to.

  3. It warms my heart to know you are having such good days! Purging is good, and u have a place to take it to! Love the bowls for the cats!

  4. Hi Tete...I love what you did! That clock is awesome!
    Isn't it fun to take things down, and switch them out with things you've had stored away? Things that you love.
    Glad you are able to do the fun things you love to do.
    Have a great night, my friend.

  5. I don't think you are over the top at all! I would love to have so many things to work with! And would also love to visit your shop!
    That said, your rearrangement looks wonderful and it always makes you fell good to have things fresh and "new".

  6. Your kitchen is super cute! Rearranging things, even if they're the same, make the space seem brand new!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!