Monday, June 27, 2011

Love is...

the weekends just go by too fast...
because we are together, having fun...
shopping, eating, working on the yard...
even the housework is easier when we all work together...
and here it is Monday...
it just goes by too fast...
have a fun day and visit Marydon!


  1. G'morn once again, sweet Tete ~
    I hope you had a wonderful time with DH for his birthday. Nothing like celebrating ...

    Love your Love Is... such truth. And the more life goes on the more precious time becomes with one another. Treasure each moment ...

    Love those kitties! I raised Manx.

    Have a beautiful week, sweet friend ~
    TTFN ~

  2. yes it does. Bob only takes Sundays off....but while working yesterday we did take time to sit and talk and then cook a good meal together. It isn't all laundry, cleaning and yard work but it feels like it. I hate for the day to end.......


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!