Wednesday, June 1, 2011

puter problems..

having some minor problems with my mouse...
so, if I'm not one here for a few days...
I am waiting on a new one...
there have been 4 people using my puter...
and you know how it is when your kids get ahold of something...
usb port is not accepting my mouse...
could be I need a new mouse...
could be just dirty...
cleaned out my port and mouse...
but only works for awhile and then I have to unplug it and plug it back in...
and then when that no longer works...
I have to restart the puter...

so sore...
neck and shoulders are stiff and I am having muscle spasms in it...
I have been pushing it way too hard...
trying too much at one time...
but we are getting so much done...
and would like to have all the big jobs out of the way so DH can have a few days of his vacation without working so hard...
he needs some R&R in those loungers!

Craig starts his job this morning...
pray he does well...
it's gona kill him...
he isn't used to it...
he is going to be working at the grocery store here in town...
until he can find something in his field...
and with gas prices...
he is driving a mile to work...
and he could walk it if he has to...
they are starting him out on chicken...
he works today and Friday...
then they will train him on something else...
he is to be their gopher...
so he has to be trained on everything...
our minimum wage here is $8.25 an hour...
that's why everything is so blooming high...
high school kids starting out flipping burgers are making over $8 an hour...
when I started working...
I made $1.65 at 16...
and I thought I was loaded!
and I worked hard for that...
my first job was a nurses aide in a nursing home!
I had plans for nursing school...
and I didn't have any problems working...
it was easier than working at home!

well, I missed another White Wednesday...
had no clue it was Tuesday...
with the holiday weekend and DH being off...
I have so lost track of time and days...

well, it's almost 5 am and the sky it lightening up...
it's 69 out, so I may just sneak out on the porch and watch the sun come up...
I should take my camera with me...
have a great day...
the guys are working on the shed today...
and maybe tomorrow...
then we need to hit the inside again...
they have trashed my house!

have a good one...


  1. I know Craig will do well. He is really a hard worker. Computers can sure drive us nuts. I think you guys do need some R&R after reading your last posts.

  2. working at the grocery store he will know all the town gossip! LOL

    your sore from working muscles you don't use to often...believe me I know!

    It is amazing what you can get done when someone helps!

    I will have to drive by and see how pretty your garden looks!!

    Have a good day, stay cool. My brothers grandson is here from Wisconsin and I get to go spend time with him today! :)

  3. I had a feeling you might be pushing yourself too hard, Tete.
    I understand how good it feels to accomplish so much...and quitting is out of the equation....but....
    So, sit in one of those loungers, and take it easy for at least an hour or two.
    Did you get pics of the sunrise?
    Enjoy your day, sweetie pie.

  4. Good Lord, woman...give you a good day and you think you can flatten the rest of Ohio! Slow a little bit at a time!! YOur mouse quit because HE was tired too!

    Saying a prayer for your boy-o and that he does well with his job. I know he will-he is your son and you have made a good boy out of him...well, God mighta had a hand in it.

    Gotta tell you my latest- SCheeks...said that Jesus was in church on Sunday morning. Really? I asked...yep..then what? Well, Nana. He lefted. Where did he go? Back to Heaven..he has to finish training the Easter bunny and Santa Claus...and I'm not sure who he trains for handing out Halloween things but I know ONE thing for SHURE! What's that? It's Not a WHITCH...cuz there are NO WHITCHES in Heaven! Amen!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!